but not in that order.
today i wore a brand new pair of heels for the first time. and they broke. no, they weren't marc jacobs, but still. they should not have broken. all day long i was hobbling around like Quasimodo.
it should not be that hard to:
-get gasoline. (california has the worst gas pumps in the world.)
-find a christmas tree stand
-pay for things you bought using pay pal
you guys, christmas is coming! the house is getting so cute! garland and candles and cute things and a christmas tree and some celebration of chanukkah.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Well, Sally is dead
Sally Motornose, the car formerly known as the most trustworthy and dependable grrrrman-made car, is dead. DEAD! She died in a tragic car-battery drain accident. Oh boy.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Spanksgiving and Beyond
First of all, sorry that I haven't written anything in a while (Dad). I couldn't think of anything, and since I don't like to pretend to be existential and smart and like I think about everything all of the time, I left the page intentionally blank. Like, if you can't say something funny, don't say anything at all. Similar situation.
Well, we celebrated a beautiful Thanksgiving. Small and humble, but lovely none-the-less. I think my mom would have been proud. Even though Penny did all the hard-hitting news with the Turkey. I'm sorry, there was just no way I was ready to stick my hand in a turkey's butt and remove questionable business and then feel good about eating it. Wow, I may have just called myself out. Should I be a vegetarian, Journal? Not sure.

ThanksgivingBonanza2007 has been awesome. If you know me, as much as I love running around and doing lots of fun things, I also love lounging. Just love it. Well, Andrea's visit gave us the excuse to do this:
Loungefest has been fun. The thing is, with our panoramic view windows, we can feel like we are actually outside in the beautiful SD weather which makes us all feel better. Even though we're lounging inside. I'm a little disappointed that after this weekend, I will have to go back to sleeping in my actual room.
Even though I'm going through the opposite of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) I love San Diego. Let me backspace and explain for a minute. I'm having some sadness over the fact that it's supposed to be the holidays and chilly and bundly etc. and it is all sunny and warm and flip floppy. Thank goodness I'll be home soon. I NEED SOME SNOW.
Anyway, we went out to the point for a brief brief photo sesh yesterday. So beautiful. Seriously.

There have been some glorious movies on Television, Journal. High School Musical and High School Musical 2 were on last night. Also, The Secret Garden. Marathons of Reno 911. Elf. The Family Stone. Cheaper by the Dozen 2. It's been a glorious break from real life. I'm sad just thinking that we will have to go back soon. :(
Well, we celebrated a beautiful Thanksgiving. Small and humble, but lovely none-the-less. I think my mom would have been proud. Even though Penny did all the hard-hitting news with the Turkey. I'm sorry, there was just no way I was ready to stick my hand in a turkey's butt and remove questionable business and then feel good about eating it. Wow, I may have just called myself out. Should I be a vegetarian, Journal? Not sure.
ThanksgivingBonanza2007 has been awesome. If you know me, as much as I love running around and doing lots of fun things, I also love lounging. Just love it. Well, Andrea's visit gave us the excuse to do this:
Even though I'm going through the opposite of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) I love San Diego. Let me backspace and explain for a minute. I'm having some sadness over the fact that it's supposed to be the holidays and chilly and bundly etc. and it is all sunny and warm and flip floppy. Thank goodness I'll be home soon. I NEED SOME SNOW.
Anyway, we went out to the point for a brief brief photo sesh yesterday. So beautiful. Seriously.
There have been some glorious movies on Television, Journal. High School Musical and High School Musical 2 were on last night. Also, The Secret Garden. Marathons of Reno 911. Elf. The Family Stone. Cheaper by the Dozen 2. It's been a glorious break from real life. I'm sad just thinking that we will have to go back soon. :(
Monday, October 29, 2007
things that are too beautiful to not share with the entire world
halloween is the best. i can wear my tacky accessories and call it costume. i can put on turquoise eye shadow and glitter eye liner and no one will think twice. it is the best.
and the best thing about this, is that we only spent $479 on these outfits at american apparel! awesome-town.
additionally, my ears are itching real bad this morning. i did a quick search and there are several reasons for itchy ears. the most horrifying is that bugs may be living in your ears. it could be a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, which is unlikely to have popped up over night. also, i could potentially have too little ear wax in my ears which is stupid but a possibility considering i use q-tips like 7 times a day. if you have thoughts, i'd love to hear. i took some benadryl because someone once told me that it could be allergy related.
by the way, i hate having to go to work.
additionally, my ears are itching real bad this morning. i did a quick search and there are several reasons for itchy ears. the most horrifying is that bugs may be living in your ears. it could be a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, which is unlikely to have popped up over night. also, i could potentially have too little ear wax in my ears which is stupid but a possibility considering i use q-tips like 7 times a day. if you have thoughts, i'd love to hear. i took some benadryl because someone once told me that it could be allergy related.
by the way, i hate having to go to work.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I have been busy as a bee
I have not had hardly a minute to myself! It's true.
Between going to, understanding (almost) and enjoying local flag football games:

Heavily scrutinizing the office

And desperately wanting a dog, any dog at all (especially the one-eyed pug we saw in Lowe's yesterday):

I have just not had a minute to myself! Not a minute!
Also, living with Penny again is hilarious. This morning I said how I hated the smell of toast (I really do--especially wheat toast) and Penny told me to "take it up with the Lord today." We're getting ready to leave for church, so that was particularly hilarious.
Between going to, understanding (almost) and enjoying local flag football games:
Heavily scrutinizing the office
- i loved thursday's episode
- i love pam and jim
- i love depressed, moaning dwight
- jan looked dang good in the train scene
- you could book a trip to schrute farms if you wanted to: Beets Beets Beets!
- oscar and darrell are the breakouts of 07
And desperately wanting a dog, any dog at all (especially the one-eyed pug we saw in Lowe's yesterday):

I have just not had a minute to myself! Not a minute!
Also, living with Penny again is hilarious. This morning I said how I hated the smell of toast (I really do--especially wheat toast) and Penny told me to "take it up with the Lord today." We're getting ready to leave for church, so that was particularly hilarious.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
if i had a blog
if i had a blog, i would post about all sorts of things that make me happy:
- pineapple
- lady grey tea
- trips to world market
- buying shoes
- the office
- halloween
- point loma, cabrillo ntl monument
- tidal pools, sea life
- funny friends
- people who can't park right
- stupid shelving
- stupid girls with tiny stupid accessory dogs
- inconsiderate people
- twitching eyelids
- more stuff that i can't think of because i'm mad that i accidentally drank milk while eating pineapple and it takes like chemistry class in a bad way in my mouth.
Monday, October 8, 2007
dad, i also have the jimmy legs
my mom has always complained (or at least commented) that my dad has RLS at night. (RLS support group, anyone?) it's funny because he rubs his feet together in the middle of the night and he tends to rub sheets thread bare right where his feet are. funny, right? well, i have the same condition and i just discovered that i rubbed a hole right in the foot spot of my sheets. how so very odd. i call it the jimmy legs and i'm not entirely sure where i got that name or if it's offensive in anyway, but there it is.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
hey sportsfans
just sitting here in our fabulous living room watching the boats go by. that's right.
a couple college buddies (penny, ari) and i found an ab fab house in ocean beach with a beautiful panoramic view of the ocean. it's unreal. the sunset will take your breath away. in the words of scarlettjo, "i can't believe i live here." i'm so happy! it took a lot of woman and man power (jules, andrea, pt & friends) but we got all the crap moved from the ghetto to the resort-like house in which we now live.
a lovely sunday morning. a little gym, a little bagels, a little ocean watching in sunny socal, a little talking smack about people we don't like, a little ragging/giving props to celebrities...that's what it's going to be like in our corner of the world. feel free to stop in for a cup of tea.
a couple college buddies (penny, ari) and i found an ab fab house in ocean beach with a beautiful panoramic view of the ocean. it's unreal. the sunset will take your breath away. in the words of scarlettjo, "i can't believe i live here." i'm so happy! it took a lot of woman and man power (jules, andrea, pt & friends) but we got all the crap moved from the ghetto to the resort-like house in which we now live.
a lovely sunday morning. a little gym, a little bagels, a little ocean watching in sunny socal, a little talking smack about people we don't like, a little ragging/giving props to celebrities...that's what it's going to be like in our corner of the world. feel free to stop in for a cup of tea.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
please forgive me if i act a little strange, for i know not what i do
oh, david gray. why do you record yourself crying and then call it music? jk. well, like 87% jk.
anyway, things to dicuss:
anyway, things to dicuss:
- Britney
- why is she a trainwreck
- what is the deal with her weave
- why do her children look retarded
- what happened
- Kanye
- why do i love your music
- since you are whiney
- since you are self-possesed
- why are you being a big cry baby about the vmas
- do you think about me now and then, cause i'm comin home again
- Spinning Class
- did it for the first time today
- my feet and my butt got numb/fell asleep
- why is this so
- Popsicles
- i love popsicles
- even more than ice cream
- if i had to choose between popsicles and ice cream for the rest of my life, i would choose popsicles
- my favorite kind is Palapa Watermelon
- What is my deal
- i have started watching the hills
- i watched the real world
- what is my deal
- what about witty comedy, etc
- oh well
- guilty pleasure
- Country Roads
- i love country music
- this much i know is true
- god bless the country roads
- that led me straight to you
Thursday, September 6, 2007
if PETA calls, tell them i'm clubbing seals
the lengths to which i have gone to rid my apartment of ants are ridiculous. like borderline cruel and unusual. i began by following martha's advice--putting vaseline on the areas through which the ants enter. then, i just put boric acid on those same places. that worked--for a little bit. i also used to just frantically wipe them up with clorox wipes. now, i do things like sprinkle to boric acid on the ants as they are walking into my house. or circling a little clan of them with the poison and watching them try to escape. or lightly misting them bleach until they slow down and eventually die. i watch them throughout this whole ordeal. i like to see them die an agonizing death. it's messed up, y'all.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
the kind of tomato that makes you want to find jesus
if you know me, you know that i love tomatoes. if you do not know me, why are you reading this? anyway, tomatoes. i love them. so much. i have taken to eating a tomato for dinner or lunch these days, that's how much i love them. and while no tomato can compare to grandfather mcvey's, i had an heirloom tomato for dinner that certainly gave those jersey tomatoes a run for their money. oh my lord, it was so good. it was the kind of tomato that makes you want to find jesus.
so, i know i am nice and pretty and friendly, etc etc etc, but this was funny: today, this woman at the kinko's totally gave me my kinko's services for free. she looked at me and said, "don't worry about it. this one's on me." i was like, what am i, in a bar? thanks for the free copying services, lady? first i laughed. and then i thought, "i'm sort of a pimp. i better go listen to some justin timberlake."
in addition to knowing how much i love tomatoes, if you know me, you also know that i do not need caffeine to get me going. well, i had a lot of coffee today and was all jacked up. i was bouncing around and shaking like a coke head. it was scary. and then i crashed like a toddler after too much time at the zoo. i was about to pass out at the gym.
i love d'markis, the guy who does my hair. he is very good and makes me feel like a c list starlet. yeah rachel bilson!
so, it has been so mother loving hot here, i have been double featuring movies L and R. here is what i've seen over the past few days or so.
so, i know i am nice and pretty and friendly, etc etc etc, but this was funny: today, this woman at the kinko's totally gave me my kinko's services for free. she looked at me and said, "don't worry about it. this one's on me." i was like, what am i, in a bar? thanks for the free copying services, lady? first i laughed. and then i thought, "i'm sort of a pimp. i better go listen to some justin timberlake."
in addition to knowing how much i love tomatoes, if you know me, you also know that i do not need caffeine to get me going. well, i had a lot of coffee today and was all jacked up. i was bouncing around and shaking like a coke head. it was scary. and then i crashed like a toddler after too much time at the zoo. i was about to pass out at the gym.
i love d'markis, the guy who does my hair. he is very good and makes me feel like a c list starlet. yeah rachel bilson!
so, it has been so mother loving hot here, i have been double featuring movies L and R. here is what i've seen over the past few days or so.
- Superbad (3)
- Nanny Diaries (2)
- No Reservations
- Becoming Jane
Sunday, September 2, 2007
why escondido isn't fun in 105 degree weather
yesterday, jules, bulent and i went to the wild animal park in escondido. see below:

that is the only photo that will be published of the event, because in the rest of them, we look like we were beaten by the tired and hot stick. not ideal weather for two irish whities and one guy with no hair on his head. it was 105 degrees, and was the hottest day on record this summer for the wild animal park. we thought we were going to die. the only saving grace was that they have the giant fans that spray water all over the place. we were greasy from sunscreen, sweating in places that are just not fun, hot, tired, whiny and just a bucket of pleasant.
by the time we got to dinner, we were ready to eat each others arms off, plus i had developed a horrendous headache, felt sick to my stomach and was doing that thing babies do when they're tired (rub their eyes) but to my whole face. julia took one look at me and flagged down the waitress and told her to bring us some bread. she basically saved me because i think i was about to die right then and there. it was a long drive home...and i passed out in the back seat, occasionally groaning to myself.
that is the only photo that will be published of the event, because in the rest of them, we look like we were beaten by the tired and hot stick. not ideal weather for two irish whities and one guy with no hair on his head. it was 105 degrees, and was the hottest day on record this summer for the wild animal park. we thought we were going to die. the only saving grace was that they have the giant fans that spray water all over the place. we were greasy from sunscreen, sweating in places that are just not fun, hot, tired, whiny and just a bucket of pleasant.
by the time we got to dinner, we were ready to eat each others arms off, plus i had developed a horrendous headache, felt sick to my stomach and was doing that thing babies do when they're tired (rub their eyes) but to my whole face. julia took one look at me and flagged down the waitress and told her to bring us some bread. she basically saved me because i think i was about to die right then and there. it was a long drive home...and i passed out in the back seat, occasionally groaning to myself.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
saddest movies in the world to me
the notebook
brokeback mountain
my girl
steel magnolias
la vita e bella
simon birch
bridge to terebithia (emma, what's up?)
raise your voice
little women
the fox and the hound
in no particular order
anything i forgot?
brokeback mountain
my girl
steel magnolias
la vita e bella
simon birch
bridge to terebithia (emma, what's up?)
raise your voice
little women
the fox and the hound
in no particular order
anything i forgot?
what the office did on their summer vacation!
ahhhhhhhhhhh, 27th, where are you?!?!?!?!?!?
i found out i have grandkids...and kidsWednesday, August 29, 2007
these are things that i don't understand
i do not get greasers. since moving to san diego, i have encountered greasers for the first time. and i have to say that i do not get it. i don't have much more to say on the topic. i've been trying to find a suitable photo so that you may also not get it with me, but i can't find one. i just know that today, when i was in the whole foods parking lot, a respectable lil prius parked next to me and out popped a chick with magenta hair and real short bangs up in a bandana or some such shenanigans and i said to myself, "i do not get this." kind of like how i never really got jincos, or whatever those heinous tent pants were that could fit like three of your friends in each leg. but, i guess those people would question my clean-cut sense of style. all those pastels! all those polo shirts! all that seersucker! all that gap! grosssssss.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
ummmm, someone could have told me
that jane austen never got married.
i tried to see an uplifting love story--no go.
i tried to see an uplifting love story--no go.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Why I am probably not an American
- I hate lemonade
- I do not like MTV
- I do not like cereal, except for raisin bran
- I do not know jack about football, nor do I wish to
- I only like foreign apples
- I like to wear black and brown together
- I hate pancakes
- I think America is tacky a lot of the time
Also, ice trays: WTF. I have probably spent close to $50.00 on frickin ice trays. I simply don't think ice should be that hard. And until I have a fancy fridge with ice that comes out of it automatically, I will have to deal with this issue. I have bought really cheap ones, ones that were 5$ a tray, ones that were $9 a tray and they are all a pain in the ass! What the heck.
Also, what kind of moron designs a closet that the frickin hangers do not fit in. For realsies.
Also, I love the adjective "comely"--what the heck does that even mean?
Also, I love Dawson's Creek! Favorite line of late: "Did you develop a lazy eye, or were you looking at me when you said 'we'?" --Dawson Beloved Leery
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hell says hello
Well I know, I miss more than hit
With a face that was launched to sink
An' I seldom feel, the bright relief
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
If there's one thing I have said
Is that the dreams I once had, now lay in bed
As the four winds blow, my wits through the door
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
With a face that was launched to sink
An' I seldom feel, the bright relief
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
If there's one thing I have said
Is that the dreams I once had, now lay in bed
As the four winds blow, my wits through the door
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Fallin' down to you sweet ground
Where the flowers they bloom
It's there I'll be found
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Though these wounds have seen no wars
Except for the scars I have ignored
And this endless crutch, well it's never enough
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Hell says hello, well it's time to I should go
To pastures green, that I've yet to see
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Where the flowers they bloom
It's there I'll be found
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Though these wounds have seen no wars
Except for the scars I have ignored
And this endless crutch, well it's never enough
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Hell says hello, well it's time to I should go
To pastures green, that I've yet to see
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I love it when
...you put your itunes on shuffle and rediscover some true prizes! for example, right now, i'm enjoying chingy's holiday inn! for shizzle, dizzle! a treasure.
so, my obsession of the moment is britney spears. yesterday, by the grace of youtube, i watched all of britney's videos from back in the day. from baby one more time to overprotected to everytime. it was quite a journey. i--i--well, my heart just goes out to her. why is she so crazy face? what can we do to help her through these troubling times? AND WHAT THE DANG HECK DOES HER HAIR LOOK LIKE UNDER ALL THOSE WIGS? i read in a mag this morning that 67% of people polled believe that britney has a better chance of a comeback than llo (lindsey lohan, ICYMI). so, she has support. she just needs to get her shenanigans together!
also, i'm falling apart! between Toe and my molting back, i disgust my own self. in the words of buster from arrested development, "i'm a monster." i'm getting real tired of marinating myself in aloe and lidocaine. for serious, y'all!
things i'm unabashed about:
-my love of country music.
-my love of sweat bands! work it girl!
-my love of fancy cosmetic products that i do not always need.
-my obsession with stamping, embossing, and paper crafting. see paper ladder.
-kool-aid. though i don't drink it, i love kool-aid. and even, for penny, fool-aid.
-my love of the girls next door!
-my disdain and disrespect for people who inappropriately use apostrophes. excuse me, apostrophe's. yuck!!
-the fact that i think being in my car makes me invisible/invincible/kelly clarkson.
-my kazoo. i like to carry it around with me various places.
-my love of clorox wipes. all of my other cleaning products are eco-friendly, but i gotta have me some clorox wipes!
so, my obsession of the moment is britney spears. yesterday, by the grace of youtube, i watched all of britney's videos from back in the day. from baby one more time to overprotected to everytime. it was quite a journey. i--i--well, my heart just goes out to her. why is she so crazy face? what can we do to help her through these troubling times? AND WHAT THE DANG HECK DOES HER HAIR LOOK LIKE UNDER ALL THOSE WIGS? i read in a mag this morning that 67% of people polled believe that britney has a better chance of a comeback than llo (lindsey lohan, ICYMI). so, she has support. she just needs to get her shenanigans together!
also, i'm falling apart! between Toe and my molting back, i disgust my own self. in the words of buster from arrested development, "i'm a monster." i'm getting real tired of marinating myself in aloe and lidocaine. for serious, y'all!
things i'm unabashed about:
-my love of country music.
-my love of sweat bands! work it girl!
-my love of fancy cosmetic products that i do not always need.
-my obsession with stamping, embossing, and paper crafting. see paper ladder.
-kool-aid. though i don't drink it, i love kool-aid. and even, for penny, fool-aid.
-my love of the girls next door!
-my disdain and disrespect for people who inappropriately use apostrophes. excuse me, apostrophe's. yuck!!
-the fact that i think being in my car makes me invisible/invincible/kelly clarkson.
-my kazoo. i like to carry it around with me various places.
-my love of clorox wipes. all of my other cleaning products are eco-friendly, but i gotta have me some clorox wipes!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
given the namesake of this BLOG on the INTRAWEBS
I think that it is only appropriate that we chat a little bit about HSM2, as it premiered last evening.
For those of you not in the know (who the heck could that be?) HSM is the empire also known as High School Musical. Last evening, the much awaited and anticipated sequel premiered on the Disney Channel. I have to admit--I was nervous, at best. I love HSM the first so much that my heart lept for joy at the mere mention of it. I know the thing by heart--lines, music, and dances. So, I was nervous that the second could not match the genius of the first. And it didn't. But, that's ok. It was still good.
Set at a country club in the middle of New Mexico (actually shot in St. George Utah, a place I have driven through many times) we celebrated once more the notion that we are 'all in this together.' Through thick and thin, shenanigans and Sharpay Evans, the East High Wildcats prove that everything will always work out in the end. Here are some initial thoughts after my first viewing. I did tivo it, so I will likely watch it at least three more times before the week is up.
You would think Sharpay would have more game. Being one of the most manipulative, scheming and conniving people I have ever not actually met, I presumed that she wouldn't flit around like a retarded Spice Girl when it came to landing a man. I guess I should stop assuming, cause she did flit around like a retarded Spice Girl. At one point, Taylor says, "That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match." Sorry to say, that is not true. She's good about the set up, but when it comes to the play, she's all wrong!
I love Zac Efron, even if that is wrong. Even is it looks like he passed out in a Mystic Tan booth. Even if he is kind of awkward (same like me!) Even if he betrayed the trust of Gabriella and the rest of the WILDCATS. I love him teaching children to play golf. However, I began to feel a little uncomfortable when he was shirtless in various scenes. It. Just. Feels. Wrong. Uhhhhhh, no.
What's with all the GD hats?! Seriously. The frumpy piano player Kelsi always wears these retarded hats that don't match the rest of her outfit, and she just makes me angry. In general, everyone is too accessorized--which, coming from me (an accessory princess), means a lot.
I fell in love with Ryan in HSM2! "What am I supposed to do with my tiki warrior outfit?" We're like soul mates. How many times have I found myself saying that..... I'm glad we saw him finally stick up for himself and hold his on against Sharpay an Corbin Bleu! "You don't think dancing takes game?" I love it! I love that his dad was always trying to straighten his hat! I love that he can actually play baseball--saving his manly reputation from those who would say that he is only good at drama, music, and yoga. But then when he and Corbin (how dumb is it that I know his real name and can't remember his character's name) "switched hats" I laughed my ass off. What do you think that means? Wink Wink. In other news, Ryan reminds me of a dude I went to high school with named Ryan.
Back to Sharpay. In the end, I feel bad for her. I mean, she is crazy, but as it turns out, she's just an insecure girl, like you and me. When she says to Troy, "I just sort wish you were doing this for me," my heart got a little Sad. She just wants to be loved, same like me! If she just stripped the shenanigans, she would be Lovable. When she says, "Actually, right now I think I like you better than I like myself--did I just say that?" my heart melted. It was the perfect blend of Sharpay and genuine heart break.
Also, I love it when Gabriella went all Montez on Sharpay's ass. Also, I loved her Selena video-esque break up song. Those tears looked so real! Those were the only enjoyable GM parts. Otherwise, she's just WB (white bread) to me.
Of Note: Sharpay uses the word "farce" in both HSM1 and 2!
Additionally: The sound was terrible. At times, it sounded like they recorded inside of a tin can.
For those of you not in the know (who the heck could that be?) HSM is the empire also known as High School Musical. Last evening, the much awaited and anticipated sequel premiered on the Disney Channel. I have to admit--I was nervous, at best. I love HSM the first so much that my heart lept for joy at the mere mention of it. I know the thing by heart--lines, music, and dances. So, I was nervous that the second could not match the genius of the first. And it didn't. But, that's ok. It was still good.
Set at a country club in the middle of New Mexico (actually shot in St. George Utah, a place I have driven through many times) we celebrated once more the notion that we are 'all in this together.' Through thick and thin, shenanigans and Sharpay Evans, the East High Wildcats prove that everything will always work out in the end. Here are some initial thoughts after my first viewing. I did tivo it, so I will likely watch it at least three more times before the week is up.
You would think Sharpay would have more game. Being one of the most manipulative, scheming and conniving people I have ever not actually met, I presumed that she wouldn't flit around like a retarded Spice Girl when it came to landing a man. I guess I should stop assuming, cause she did flit around like a retarded Spice Girl. At one point, Taylor says, "That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match." Sorry to say, that is not true. She's good about the set up, but when it comes to the play, she's all wrong!
I love Zac Efron, even if that is wrong. Even is it looks like he passed out in a Mystic Tan booth. Even if he is kind of awkward (same like me!) Even if he betrayed the trust of Gabriella and the rest of the WILDCATS. I love him teaching children to play golf. However, I began to feel a little uncomfortable when he was shirtless in various scenes. It. Just. Feels. Wrong. Uhhhhhh, no.
What's with all the GD hats?! Seriously. The frumpy piano player Kelsi always wears these retarded hats that don't match the rest of her outfit, and she just makes me angry. In general, everyone is too accessorized--which, coming from me (an accessory princess), means a lot.
I fell in love with Ryan in HSM2! "What am I supposed to do with my tiki warrior outfit?" We're like soul mates. How many times have I found myself saying that..... I'm glad we saw him finally stick up for himself and hold his on against Sharpay an Corbin Bleu! "You don't think dancing takes game?" I love it! I love that his dad was always trying to straighten his hat! I love that he can actually play baseball--saving his manly reputation from those who would say that he is only good at drama, music, and yoga. But then when he and Corbin (how dumb is it that I know his real name and can't remember his character's name) "switched hats" I laughed my ass off. What do you think that means? Wink Wink. In other news, Ryan reminds me of a dude I went to high school with named Ryan.
Back to Sharpay. In the end, I feel bad for her. I mean, she is crazy, but as it turns out, she's just an insecure girl, like you and me. When she says to Troy, "I just sort wish you were doing this for me," my heart got a little Sad. She just wants to be loved, same like me! If she just stripped the shenanigans, she would be Lovable. When she says, "Actually, right now I think I like you better than I like myself--did I just say that?" my heart melted. It was the perfect blend of Sharpay and genuine heart break.
Also, I love it when Gabriella went all Montez on Sharpay's ass. Also, I loved her Selena video-esque break up song. Those tears looked so real! Those were the only enjoyable GM parts. Otherwise, she's just WB (white bread) to me.
Of Note: Sharpay uses the word "farce" in both HSM1 and 2!
Additionally: The sound was terrible. At times, it sounded like they recorded inside of a tin can.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Lil Mama - Lip Gloss Video
WHATCHU KNOW BOUT ME. so true. my lipgloss is also always poppin. well, my kiehl's lip balm no. 1. but same thing, right?
i'm not sure what my pops was thinking
when he bought me this computer with a built in camera. as a youth, my mom was constantly reminding me not to look in the mirror all the time. i just like to know what i look like at any given moment. i just went through and deleted waaaaaaaaay too many photos of myself on photobooth.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
why i am Too Nice
i would like to say this to my parents: you raised me with very good manners. and some times that does not serve me well. being Too Nice is not always the best thing to be because sometimes you are unable to be Assertive. because i always care about Other People's Feelings, i do not stick up for myself enough. take today, for example. i was just jetting to the gap to do some lunch time (usually not so window) shopping. unfortunately, there are also damn kiosks in the pathway to the gap and today a dude grabbed me on the shoulder and put a hot cloth-covered shenanigans on my back. at which point i yelped and cried in pain due to the Sunburn. anyway, twenty minutes later, three incidents of complementing my eyes, and a pile of bamboozling, i was 30$ poorer and in possession of a stupid cloth thing filled with lavender and mint and whatever else crap that i can put in the freezer or microwave. i didn't really want that thing. but i have a hard time saying no. because i'm too polite. son of a bee! from now on i will try my hardest to be Rude. it will serve me better in life, i think. and maybe one day i'll get in a fight! i have always wanted to do that!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
sunburn management
don't get me started.
don't even get me started.
my lord.
there is no excuse for ANYONE IN THE WORLD to ever, EVER, EVER use wingdings. ever. especially when it is a somewhat official form. do not use it ever. i'm just saying.
i will hunt you down with a basilisk fang. and you know what that means!
my lord.
there is no excuse for ANYONE IN THE WORLD to ever, EVER, EVER use wingdings. ever. especially when it is a somewhat official form. do not use it ever. i'm just saying.
i will hunt you down with a basilisk fang. and you know what that means!
Monday, August 13, 2007
nobody said it was easy.
but nobody said that it would be this hard.
i mean, being an adult is realll hard. grocery shopping alone is a hard thing. sometimes, i'll forget to go grocery shopping for like three weeks and the only thing in my fridge is vitamin water, yogurt, and celery. and, if i were a model, that would be all i would need. but i'm not.
and that's the least of it. i mean, i have to get my car registered in california--what the heck do i have to do and can my mom and dad come do it for me please? (dad--please?)
also, can my mom and dad write me notes when i don't want to do things? and can i go hide by the creek when i'm sad/mad/disenfranchised? like, can i just please be about 12 again? even though i was awkward and not cool and didn't have my ears pierced. cause sometimes, it's all too much.
i mean, being an adult is realll hard. grocery shopping alone is a hard thing. sometimes, i'll forget to go grocery shopping for like three weeks and the only thing in my fridge is vitamin water, yogurt, and celery. and, if i were a model, that would be all i would need. but i'm not.
and that's the least of it. i mean, i have to get my car registered in california--what the heck do i have to do and can my mom and dad come do it for me please? (dad--please?)
also, can my mom and dad write me notes when i don't want to do things? and can i go hide by the creek when i'm sad/mad/disenfranchised? like, can i just please be about 12 again? even though i was awkward and not cool and didn't have my ears pierced. cause sometimes, it's all too much.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
i believe in
being a good friend, sister and daughter
writing letters
making amends
being silly
stuffed animals/plants being okay substitutes for friends
crying when you need to, but not when you don't want to
being a good friend, sister and daughter
writing letters
making amends
being silly
stuffed animals/plants being okay substitutes for friends
crying when you need to, but not when you don't want to
five reasons i feel wildly unsafe
okay, two
1. someone was shot a killed a block away from my house like one week ago. the natural conclusion is that i'm next.
2. someone has had a suspicious looking package outside their apartment door for like three weeks. i mean, if it were a bomb, it probably would have gone off by now--but still.
i think i should get a gun or a knife or at least an ax for protection.
1. someone was shot a killed a block away from my house like one week ago. the natural conclusion is that i'm next.
2. someone has had a suspicious looking package outside their apartment door for like three weeks. i mean, if it were a bomb, it probably would have gone off by now--but still.
i think i should get a gun or a knife or at least an ax for protection.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
things that are fun versus things that are not fun, by amanda l hall
things that are fun:
buying things in bulk
realizing that you are tan--and not just tan-for-you tan, but actually tan.
drinking smart water with lime and feeling like you are jennifer anniston.
buying and burning sage from hippies, only to realize that it smells much more like pot.
clorox wipes--all flavors.
things that are not fun:
stubbing your toe under the tire of your car and separating the toenail from the toe.
getting a blown out tire at 10:45 at night on the freeway and realizing that your jack is broken and having to call and wait for AAA for 45 minutes.
being back logged on dawson's creek.

this + nighttime + 15S +single girl + busted jack and no working flashlight = me tonight.

this + whining + some tears = me this week.
as aunt linda would say: "OH GAAAHHHHHH"

buying things in bulk
realizing that you are tan--and not just tan-for-you tan, but actually tan.
drinking smart water with lime and feeling like you are jennifer anniston.
buying and burning sage from hippies, only to realize that it smells much more like pot.
clorox wipes--all flavors.
things that are not fun:
stubbing your toe under the tire of your car and separating the toenail from the toe.
getting a blown out tire at 10:45 at night on the freeway and realizing that your jack is broken and having to call and wait for AAA for 45 minutes.
being back logged on dawson's creek.

this + nighttime + 15S +single girl + busted jack and no working flashlight = me tonight.

this + whining + some tears = me this week.
as aunt linda would say: "OH GAAAHHHHHH"

bonjour, jean-otis!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
it has been a month and a half
since i last spoke about dawson's creek. you're probably glad. however, i have indeed started watcing it from the beginning and i totally understand why so many people loved the high school seasons and then hated the college. i'm sort of glad i saw the college first, because i love those seasons, too, but the first seasons are SO GOOD. joey was so cute. it also makes me understand why penny is so all about pacey and not dawson. dawson was a little annoyingly idealistic and pacey was just clever and funny, albeit academically misguided. and jack! trying to get with joey! before he was gay! and jen! i still find her annoying.
what a fricking amazing show.
speaking of amazing, the baby-sitter's club! egads! so amazing.
what a fricking amazing show.
speaking of amazing, the baby-sitter's club! egads! so amazing.
Friday, July 27, 2007
trash, crazies, harry potter
the crazies are out in full force.
the craaaaziiiieesss!
the woman down the block--who does NOT live in our apartment building and is NOT in any sort of authority position--likes to go through people's trash on trash day. she will determine if she thinks you have enough trash to warrant your individual can being out on the curb. if it's not up to her standards, she will roll it back. she has made me late to work by telling me all about her theory. she is crazy. not loony lovegood crazy, but still really crazy. i heard her out there at 6:00am doing her trash inspections. i might start putting some real nasty stuff in there.
speaking of loony lovegood, jules and i went to see harry potter last evening after a very successful enrollment meeting and were fortunate enough to meet loony. she is a belfry full of loony. she doesn't quite look crazy enough below.
the craaaaziiiieesss!
the woman down the block--who does NOT live in our apartment building and is NOT in any sort of authority position--likes to go through people's trash on trash day. she will determine if she thinks you have enough trash to warrant your individual can being out on the curb. if it's not up to her standards, she will roll it back. she has made me late to work by telling me all about her theory. she is crazy. not loony lovegood crazy, but still really crazy. i heard her out there at 6:00am doing her trash inspections. i might start putting some real nasty stuff in there.
speaking of loony lovegood, jules and i went to see harry potter last evening after a very successful enrollment meeting and were fortunate enough to meet loony. she is a belfry full of loony. she doesn't quite look crazy enough below.

Thursday, July 26, 2007
i just don't like ants.
no. i hate ants. with every fiber of my being. i have tried every trick in the book. okay, three. okay, two actual tricks and one frantic wiping them up constantly with clorox wipes. they are tenacious little buggers. they are everywhere. i put boric acid on the ledge of the window where they crawl in and i thought it was working great until this morning when i saw that they just climbed above and around it. ME HATES IT. whhaaaaaa.
i know they're not harmful and they're just trying to get a meal out of me, but seriously. seriously! ewwwww. yesterday i found one crawling on my forehead on the way to work. i was in my car, three miles away from my house with an ant on my head. not cool.
i know they're not harmful and they're just trying to get a meal out of me, but seriously. seriously! ewwwww. yesterday i found one crawling on my forehead on the way to work. i was in my car, three miles away from my house with an ant on my head. not cool.

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Wicked, Avenue Q Style!
ok, so this is amazing. especially appropriate considering my obsession with wicked and avenue q, which i'm going to see this evening with jules!
My Little Sister Is So Cute
Somehow, she has wrangled all us Halls up and created a little web page. And sent it out to everyone she knows. She's funny.
Hall Family
Hall Family
Monday, June 25, 2007
Diversity Tomorrow--Because Today's Almost Over
I have headaches all the time. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I wake up with a headache and get another one in the afternoon. What's the deal? I know--I should drink more water because 97% of headaches are due to dehydration. But seriously. It's chapping my ass.
Also, as much as I love shopping at Whole Foods, I sort of resent the guys behind the seafood and meat counters because I only ever buy one chicken breast or one fish fillet and they always comment on that. "Only one?" "These are pretty small! Don't you want another?" NO I DO NOT. I just want one. Thanks for making me feel lonelier than I already do.
Jules and I went to the Sox-Padres game yesterday and it was a ton of fun. I think it was sort of culture shock for the city of San Diego. Dang, there were a lot of Sox fans there.
Under Penny's advising, I am watching Flight of the Conchords. It is awkward and totally Penny-esque.
When is this headache going to go away?
Also, as much as I love shopping at Whole Foods, I sort of resent the guys behind the seafood and meat counters because I only ever buy one chicken breast or one fish fillet and they always comment on that. "Only one?" "These are pretty small! Don't you want another?" NO I DO NOT. I just want one. Thanks for making me feel lonelier than I already do.
Jules and I went to the Sox-Padres game yesterday and it was a ton of fun. I think it was sort of culture shock for the city of San Diego. Dang, there were a lot of Sox fans there.
Under Penny's advising, I am watching Flight of the Conchords. It is awkward and totally Penny-esque.
When is this headache going to go away?
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Farewell to the Creek
After such a long hiatus, I'm sure there's a million and one things I need to update you about.
First, I finally say farewell to Dawson's Creek. It's taken some perseverance, but I managed to catch up on two weeks worth of episodes that I missed during my trip to Wyoming. And not only just catch up, but finish it. Today, I watched the finale of the show and I forgot how much I cried the first time I watched it. My qualm--well one of my qualms--is that they couldn't just dye Katie Holmes' hair one fricking color! This is supposed to be five years later and she's supposed to be this posh writer in New York and she still has half of her hair nearly black and the other half orange. Seriously? What was that hair choice all about? Why couldn't they just dye the bottom half of her hair darker and make it one color? Other than that, and the fact that Joey didn't choose Dawson and the fact that she's annoying, I have only fond thoughts toward the show. Maybe they'll start over at the beginning and I'll be able to see the beginning, which I never did see. Also, Eddie, who is played by Oliver Hudson, is amazing.

So, as I alluded to three seconds ago, I took a trip back to WYOMING. And i did lots of cool stuff. I went to Jackson and Yellowstone and went rafting in the Yellowstone River, resorting at Chico Hot Springs, sweating in a sweat lodge, and lots of other fun things.
I'm very excited: Jules and I are going to see Avenue Q and see the Sox-Padres game! Yay!
Also, I have a job. Ha ha. Finally.
First, I finally say farewell to Dawson's Creek. It's taken some perseverance, but I managed to catch up on two weeks worth of episodes that I missed during my trip to Wyoming. And not only just catch up, but finish it. Today, I watched the finale of the show and I forgot how much I cried the first time I watched it. My qualm--well one of my qualms--is that they couldn't just dye Katie Holmes' hair one fricking color! This is supposed to be five years later and she's supposed to be this posh writer in New York and she still has half of her hair nearly black and the other half orange. Seriously? What was that hair choice all about? Why couldn't they just dye the bottom half of her hair darker and make it one color? Other than that, and the fact that Joey didn't choose Dawson and the fact that she's annoying, I have only fond thoughts toward the show. Maybe they'll start over at the beginning and I'll be able to see the beginning, which I never did see. Also, Eddie, who is played by Oliver Hudson, is amazing.

So, as I alluded to three seconds ago, I took a trip back to WYOMING. And i did lots of cool stuff. I went to Jackson and Yellowstone and went rafting in the Yellowstone River, resorting at Chico Hot Springs, sweating in a sweat lodge, and lots of other fun things.
I'm very excited: Jules and I are going to see Avenue Q and see the Sox-Padres game! Yay!
Also, I have a job. Ha ha. Finally.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
As if you need another reason to love Ed Helms.
Here are two more.
"A lot of people think that zombies walk funny."
"Do you like onion rings?"
"Suck it up Glenn!"
Ed Helms is amazing. Andy Bernard is one of my most cherished tv personalities. He can sing and is crazy.
"A lot of people think that zombies walk funny."
"Do you like onion rings?"
"Suck it up Glenn!"
Ed Helms is amazing. Andy Bernard is one of my most cherished tv personalities. He can sing and is crazy.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
diatribe 735

Ok, bedding. Let me start by saying that there is nothing I love more than a well-made bed. That's a lie actually. There are actually a lot of things I love more, but a well-made bed is certainly a lovely thing. I have always, even in my "louder" phases, put together an interesting bed. I have always appreciated the subtle art of designing bedding. Anyway, when I became an adult, I got a real bed, not a twin or a xl twin or any munchkin bed and I couldn't have been more excited about creating my bedding scheme. I fell in love with this Jonathan Adler scheme to the right (or above, depending on how this post pans out) and sprung for the duvet cover. A pricey venture. I didn't go for the sheets because I thought it was a little too busy and I wanted to branch out with some other design elements. I went with some reallly realllly comfy like 9,000 thread count sheets or something in a sky blue. And I have some crazy accent pillows. All in all I love my bed. It's crazy comfy and I love going to sleep in it. I feel like a princess. Today, I decided to take our relationship to the next level. I went to get some shams. No, not that kind of sham or that kind. Pillow shams, but they might as well be sham shams. I picked up a beautiful near-navy sham that went with my bedding and had to resuscitate my own self when I saw that they were $45.00. A piece. Add that to the price of good pillows and I was easily looking at $130.00 for some pillows. Psych. No way. I found some standard shams in white that were on sale for $17.99 each which is still a rip off for two rectangles of fabric sewn together, but but better than $45.00. Son of a gun.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
lest we forget what is really important

Oh. My. God. Yet another post about television. Yikes.
oh my god, the angst
for realsies! ok, so i don't do much. i don't have a job yet, and, well, i don't have a job yet so i don't have a lot of things that regularly occupy my time. so, as i'm sure you've figured out, i turn to television to provide a schedule. mondays are house, md days. tuesdays are (sorry) american idol days. and house, md days. wednesdays are american idol days again (although sometimes i just catch the last 15 minutes to find out who got kicked off). thursdays are big for me because there's earl, THE OFFICE, 30 rock, scrubs, and grey's anatomy. sometimes i have to do some fancy footwork with the tivo to make sure i can watch everything.
the day-to-day basis, however, is the tv that actually comproses my schedule. 5-6 i can catch two episodes of king of queens, 6-7: two episodes of that 70's show and 7-8: two will and graces. awesome. not that i always watch that slate of three hours of syndication, but sometimes i do. but most importantly: 9-10 am: DAWSON'S FRICKIN CREEK.
at this point, you still trying to tie in the title. fear not, i have not yet made a connection. that pollywog above, in addition to making me feel very lame and pitiful is to distract you from the fact that i wanted this post to be about dawson's creek. but, i write so much about dawson's creek, you'd think that it were still actively on television. man, i love that show. i'm a little grateful that i never watched it was it was really on, because this way is so much better. i don't have to wait a week or a whole summer to find out what happens next and who falls in the creek. so, today, joey and dawson finally "proved their love" if you know what i mean. and they spent this entire day in which you forget that she's supposedly going to this Harvard-esque fictional university and that she'd probably have a frickin lot to do, especially at the beginning of the semester. how cute and heartwarming. and then she's plays the annoying girlfriend card and steals his phone away when it's ringing to see who's calling and you want to shoot her in the face when she goes postal about the fact that dawson had been seeing some bird over the summer in la. the same summer that joey did not call him and also saw someone else. IT MAKES ME SO MAD. well, she makes me mad a lot of the time because she's frightfully annoying and her smile makes me want to punch a wall, but this made me mad at humanity as well. because how often do we hear about/see that? all the frickin time. people get jealous at the drop of a hat and it annoys the bananas out of me. like, for serious, did you not imagine that there could ever be someone else in a person's life beside you? and this isn't the case about dawson and joey, cause they've known each other their whole life, but for a lot of others, it seems like people refuse to accept that there may have been someone in their life before them that was really important and all that. IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD. i don't get jealous like that, dude. america, you are NOT the father. i know that doesn't make any sense, but it's cool.
the day-to-day basis, however, is the tv that actually comproses my schedule. 5-6 i can catch two episodes of king of queens, 6-7: two episodes of that 70's show and 7-8: two will and graces. awesome. not that i always watch that slate of three hours of syndication, but sometimes i do. but most importantly: 9-10 am: DAWSON'S FRICKIN CREEK.
at this point, you still trying to tie in the title. fear not, i have not yet made a connection. that pollywog above, in addition to making me feel very lame and pitiful is to distract you from the fact that i wanted this post to be about dawson's creek. but, i write so much about dawson's creek, you'd think that it were still actively on television. man, i love that show. i'm a little grateful that i never watched it was it was really on, because this way is so much better. i don't have to wait a week or a whole summer to find out what happens next and who falls in the creek. so, today, joey and dawson finally "proved their love" if you know what i mean. and they spent this entire day in which you forget that she's supposedly going to this Harvard-esque fictional university and that she'd probably have a frickin lot to do, especially at the beginning of the semester. how cute and heartwarming. and then she's plays the annoying girlfriend card and steals his phone away when it's ringing to see who's calling and you want to shoot her in the face when she goes postal about the fact that dawson had been seeing some bird over the summer in la. the same summer that joey did not call him and also saw someone else. IT MAKES ME SO MAD. well, she makes me mad a lot of the time because she's frightfully annoying and her smile makes me want to punch a wall, but this made me mad at humanity as well. because how often do we hear about/see that? all the frickin time. people get jealous at the drop of a hat and it annoys the bananas out of me. like, for serious, did you not imagine that there could ever be someone else in a person's life beside you? and this isn't the case about dawson and joey, cause they've known each other their whole life, but for a lot of others, it seems like people refuse to accept that there may have been someone in their life before them that was really important and all that. IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD. i don't get jealous like that, dude. america, you are NOT the father. i know that doesn't make any sense, but it's cool.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mandy Listens to Muzak!
Ok, so I am no for realsies music critic. But, I do like music. All kinds of it. After my brief foray into Film Critique (see post below), I felt good, smart, etc., and in the words of Toby, I want to chase that feeling.
So, in the first installment of what I like to call "Mandy Listens to Muzak!" aka "I Don't Just Watch TV," I'll delve into a little music critique! Here weeeeeee goooooo!
Artist: Wyclef Jean
Album: The Carnival
I don't often like an entire album. I'm self-proclaimed totally music A.D.D. Totally. I'll listen to a song and 3/4 of the way through skip to the next. Or i buy an album and listen to three songs on it. But this album is one that I can basically listen to the whole thing! It's awesome! It has this crazy good mixture of upbeat songs, funky songs, moving songs and silly songs. You can hear Lauryn Hill on several of the tracks which is always a bonus with her powerhouse voice. The interludes are funny and they even feature a cover of a BeeGees song! I'm Barry F-in Gibb! How could you not love anything that is Wyclef Jean + Barry Gibb? The answer is that you could not not love it. The Carnival: because Wyclef Jean should not just be known for that Shakira song.
So, in the first installment of what I like to call "Mandy Listens to Muzak!" aka "I Don't Just Watch TV," I'll delve into a little music critique! Here weeeeeee goooooo!

Album: The Carnival
I don't often like an entire album. I'm self-proclaimed totally music A.D.D. Totally. I'll listen to a song and 3/4 of the way through skip to the next. Or i buy an album and listen to three songs on it. But this album is one that I can basically listen to the whole thing! It's awesome! It has this crazy good mixture of upbeat songs, funky songs, moving songs and silly songs. You can hear Lauryn Hill on several of the tracks which is always a bonus with her powerhouse voice. The interludes are funny and they even feature a cover of a BeeGees song! I'm Barry F-in Gibb! How could you not love anything that is Wyclef Jean + Barry Gibb? The answer is that you could not not love it. The Carnival: because Wyclef Jean should not just be known for that Shakira song.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
while you were appreciating the full use of your hamstrings
I went and saw a couple of movies last night. I paid for one and double featured the other which is the only way to do it. The first was The Ex which was very hilarious. Jason Bateman, whom I love, plays just a total jerk and Zach Braff plays Zach Braff and Amanda Peet plays...well, someone who doesn't quite fit into this movie. It was pretty funny. I should have seen it second so that I could have left with a good taste in my mouth.
I unfortunately saw Georgia Rule as my second movie. It was terrible. I feel like this was LLo's first opportunity to act in a real movie with a character with some depth, and she blew it. It didn't help that the writing was terrible and obviously the director could salvage anything, but LLo definitely cemented herself as a former child star. She was real cute in The Parent Trap, but simply can not act. Felicity Huffman not only annoys me, but she also overacted her way through the whole thing. And she had painful hair for the last 2/3 of the movie. Next: Jane Fonda. She was acting in a different movie. One that had more Golden Girls in it. And more cats. At the risk of boring you to death with my review here, I won't go into too much more. The movie was bogus. Bottom line.
In addition, my hamstrings are burning. PT killed me. Well, I killed myself, but there is no stretch in the world that is fixing this.
I unfortunately saw Georgia Rule as my second movie. It was terrible. I feel like this was LLo's first opportunity to act in a real movie with a character with some depth, and she blew it. It didn't help that the writing was terrible and obviously the director could salvage anything, but LLo definitely cemented herself as a former child star. She was real cute in The Parent Trap, but simply can not act. Felicity Huffman not only annoys me, but she also overacted her way through the whole thing. And she had painful hair for the last 2/3 of the movie. Next: Jane Fonda. She was acting in a different movie. One that had more Golden Girls in it. And more cats. At the risk of boring you to death with my review here, I won't go into too much more. The movie was bogus. Bottom line.
In addition, my hamstrings are burning. PT killed me. Well, I killed myself, but there is no stretch in the world that is fixing this.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
i forgot!
I also finally got my 2007 planner completed. I bought the necessary supplies while up in LA this weekend (visiting Katherine and hoping to see the Weepies) and was finally able to finish it. Of course four solid months will remain blank unless I go back and recreate a pretend schedule.
Yesterday, I finally finished a little project I've been planning for like 7 months. I made my own little paper ladder. Check it out below. (It is a little crooked--I need to work on the stability.)
I also, unfortunately, pranced around my apartment and took pictures of myself. Some were self timers and some were straight up hold the camera out in front of you shots.

I also went to Whole Foods and bought milk in a glass jar. I feel like I'm back in the 50's. I love it.

I also went to Whole Foods and bought milk in a glass jar. I feel like I'm back in the 50's. I love it.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Tammi said it best:
Anyway, tonight I took a little stroll down memory lane courtesy of FB. Well. Not really my memory lane, but the memory lane of other people that went there. And still go there. Basically, people I was not friends with and who were ugly and or gross. It was an ego boost. Knowing that I'm so much prettier and less annoying and less gross than a lot of those people makes me feel good about myself. I know that's bad. But, it's soo good. Sooo good.
Man, I started reading the book Wicked. I have to say that I can no longer send it on to my 13-year old sister. It is a little dirty. Who knew? Seriously! Those Munchkins have their heads in the gutters. Naughty.
So, oh my god, the person who had the 619 number before me apparently has mad debt. People are trying to collect from her L and R and I am going to freak out if I have to handle one more phone call and try to convince someone that I'm not lying and I'm really not that chick. I'm going to have bug eyes and the vein in my forehead will make a night of it. It's just not cool. For realsies!
So lately, I have been doing an inordinate amount of stalking. Seriously, I've probably googled/facebooked/myspaced you, if I know you. You and people I went to elementary school/ junior high/ high school with. Man, talk about memory lane. It's like...woah, I remember when that kid used to number his math notebook with roman numerals! Look, he's tall and drinks beer! Or, man, that girl turned out ugly! But I guess I was the girl who wore tshirts from places I had been on vacation...so...I guess I shouldn't talk too much smack.
Sometimes it feels so good to be hated. It's as though I have so much power over someone else to make them really angry with me.Beautiful.
Anyway, tonight I took a little stroll down memory lane courtesy of FB. Well. Not really my memory lane, but the memory lane of other people that went there. And still go there. Basically, people I was not friends with and who were ugly and or gross. It was an ego boost. Knowing that I'm so much prettier and less annoying and less gross than a lot of those people makes me feel good about myself. I know that's bad. But, it's soo good. Sooo good.
Man, I started reading the book Wicked. I have to say that I can no longer send it on to my 13-year old sister. It is a little dirty. Who knew? Seriously! Those Munchkins have their heads in the gutters. Naughty.
So, oh my god, the person who had the 619 number before me apparently has mad debt. People are trying to collect from her L and R and I am going to freak out if I have to handle one more phone call and try to convince someone that I'm not lying and I'm really not that chick. I'm going to have bug eyes and the vein in my forehead will make a night of it. It's just not cool. For realsies!
So lately, I have been doing an inordinate amount of stalking. Seriously, I've probably googled/facebooked/myspaced you, if I know you. You and people I went to elementary school/ junior high/ high school with. Man, talk about memory lane. It's like...woah, I remember when that kid used to number his math notebook with roman numerals! Look, he's tall and drinks beer! Or, man, that girl turned out ugly! But I guess I was the girl who wore tshirts from places I had been on vacation...so...I guess I shouldn't talk too much smack.
Monday, April 30, 2007
i went to the frickin zoo
and it was awesome. please check out the picatures at my FLICKRRRRRRRRRR account. flaming o's!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
poll: oompa loompas vs. munchkins
ok. i have spent a lot of time in thought. well, that's a lie. i don't spend a ton of time in thought. but, i have thought some about this: do i prefer munchkins or oompa loompas? i think oompa loompas have always been at the forefront for me. but, i think that's due to exposure. i have been exposed to oompa loompas more. i've watched charlie and the chocolate factory much more than the wizard of oz. but, due to my new borderline freakish obsession with Wicked, i've put munchkins on the front burner in my wee mind. and, i think i prefer munchkins. they have individual sense of style and personality. and they are cuter. and they are not creepy. and they do not look like they got an overdose at mystic tan. so, my poll: do you prefer munchkins or oompa loompas? and why?

visual reminders above, if you need them. i mean, how cute are those munchkins? love the colors!

visual reminders above, if you need them. i mean, how cute are those munchkins? love the colors!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
i love my coffee maker.
i do. it's been about a month since i bought it, so it's nothing new, but i love my coffee maker. being just little ol me, i didn't need or want a twelve cup coffee maker. there's no way on earth that i should drink twelve cups of coffee. it would never be a good thing. so i bought this little 5-cup coffee maker for like 20$ at BB&B (Bed, Bath & Beyond--we're on an acronym basis) and it has worked out perfectly. it takes up less counter space and makes the perfect mug of coffee.
i love it. plus, having a coffee maker not only makes me feel mature, but it saves me like $1000/year on coffee drinks.

here is coffee maker on it's first birthday! we had a Pocahontas theme party!
Official Complaint Against San Diego Ahead:
In other news, I was a somewhat disgruntled bear yesterday. One would think that in the greater San Diego area, I would be able to find a gd music store. I need a new stand. And a theory book. Not too crazy of a request. I drove to one store I found on the intraweb yesterday only to find out that they are closed on Mondays. so GPS (aka Geeps) found me another store over in cute South Park. (Totally cute...also must be Europe-inspired because nothing was open there either.) Well, it turns out that the music store was turned in to an ice cream shop. Not ideal. I tried two others--similar stories. One was in a crazy-ass seedy area and was actually like a check cashing place or something like that. The other was in a residential area and was someone's house. Perhaps they give lessons or something. Anyway, I'm mad frustrated. All I want is some flipping music supplies!! That's all!! I googled some more places and it looks like I may be making a trip to La Jolla. Which, don't get me wrong, is gorgeous and gives me a great chance to go over there and poke around and stare at the sea lions for three hours and take too many pictures, but I feel like I should NOT have to drive twenty minutes to find a music store! In San Diego! INDIGNANT!! INCALCULABLE!! INDUBITABLY!! OTHER "I" WORDS!!
i love it. plus, having a coffee maker not only makes me feel mature, but it saves me like $1000/year on coffee drinks.

here is coffee maker on it's first birthday! we had a Pocahontas theme party!
Official Complaint Against San Diego Ahead:
In other news, I was a somewhat disgruntled bear yesterday. One would think that in the greater San Diego area, I would be able to find a gd music store. I need a new stand. And a theory book. Not too crazy of a request. I drove to one store I found on the intraweb yesterday only to find out that they are closed on Mondays. so GPS (aka Geeps) found me another store over in cute South Park. (Totally cute...also must be Europe-inspired because nothing was open there either.) Well, it turns out that the music store was turned in to an ice cream shop. Not ideal. I tried two others--similar stories. One was in a crazy-ass seedy area and was actually like a check cashing place or something like that. The other was in a residential area and was someone's house. Perhaps they give lessons or something. Anyway, I'm mad frustrated. All I want is some flipping music supplies!! That's all!! I googled some more places and it looks like I may be making a trip to La Jolla. Which, don't get me wrong, is gorgeous and gives me a great chance to go over there and poke around and stare at the sea lions for three hours and take too many pictures, but I feel like I should NOT have to drive twenty minutes to find a music store! In San Diego! INDIGNANT!! INCALCULABLE!! INDUBITABLY!! OTHER "I" WORDS!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
well, i had just a lovely weekend.
i really did. on saturday, i busted ass on this apartment. i went and bought the remaining furniture i needed to get myself organized. i unpacked the remaining boxes and did it. i did some much needed cleaning---mopping, scrubbing, sweeping. it was a good thing.
on sunday, i went to the adam's avenue roots & folk festival. i wandered around on my own sitting and listening to different folk bands and perusing the booths. it was so lovely. so much fun. i love street fairs and festivals. i could do them every day. also, an old man told me i was beautiful. that never hurts. (also, i love old men.)
today i spent 45 excruciating minutes at the bank. quite frankly, i try to spend as little time in banks as humanly possible. bank robberies are on my list of somewhat irrational fears...along with carjackings and getting shot. i had to wait for a bank official for some biznass. anyway, it wasn't exactly great fun, but i put on my patient pants and remained calm. it all turned out ok. the bank did not get robbed while i was there. knock on wood.
i'm trying to be good at doing things by myself and not getting all bummed out that i do not have any friends. i did a good job this weekend. except because i never really talk to other people, when i finally am around another person, i tend to go overboard--like the checker at the grocery store, or the maintenance man at the gym, or the passing mailman. they hear more than they probably bargained for.
on sunday, i went to the adam's avenue roots & folk festival. i wandered around on my own sitting and listening to different folk bands and perusing the booths. it was so lovely. so much fun. i love street fairs and festivals. i could do them every day. also, an old man told me i was beautiful. that never hurts. (also, i love old men.)
today i spent 45 excruciating minutes at the bank. quite frankly, i try to spend as little time in banks as humanly possible. bank robberies are on my list of somewhat irrational fears...along with carjackings and getting shot. i had to wait for a bank official for some biznass. anyway, it wasn't exactly great fun, but i put on my patient pants and remained calm. it all turned out ok. the bank did not get robbed while i was there. knock on wood.
i'm trying to be good at doing things by myself and not getting all bummed out that i do not have any friends. i did a good job this weekend. except because i never really talk to other people, when i finally am around another person, i tend to go overboard--like the checker at the grocery store, or the maintenance man at the gym, or the passing mailman. they hear more than they probably bargained for.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Things that I've Bought that I Love: Cosmetics Version
1. Sabon Body Scrub. This stuff is amazing. It is one of those truly indulgent products that you know is worth every penny. It's a salt body shower whatever scrub. My favorite scent is "Tropic" but I also love "Lavendar/Apple" and "Lemon/Mint." When you go to their store (they have them on Newbury St. in Boston and NYC and maybe somewhere else), if you get the right person (aka this really cute, most likely gay guy at the Newbury St. location) they will wash your hands for you in this beautiful well from Jerusalem. It is divine. And your skin will never feel softer. Literally, you will go around to people saying, "feel my skin. seriously. feel my skin." Amazing.
Sabon in Boston & NYC or sabonnyc.com
worth every penny!
2. Archipelago Botanicals Pomegranate Body Lotion. Holy Banana Hammock!! This is the best lotion ever!! Double exclamation points!! It blends in well (not greasy) and it smells like heaven on earth. Pomegranate is totally my new smell. This is the best lotion. For serious. They also have a ton of other products in this flava flave.
Beauty Supply stores, boutique-y places, various websites like amazon.com
heaven on earth
3. MAC X-Mascara. I've searched long and hard for a great mascara. One that is subtle because with my fair complexion, I don't need mascara that looks like I have fake lashes on every day. I prefer brown over black for every-day needs. Anyway, this wand is amazing and prevents clumpage and gives you real good lashes. Real nice.
MAC stores or mac.com
finally, a good mascara!

4. This lip balm is making a reappearance since my first "Things that I've Bought that I Love" post, but it totally deserves it. I have like four tubes...everywhere. Bathroom, bedside stand, car, purse traveling balm...I used to think I would die without Kiehl's Lip Balm #1. I don't think I would die now, but I depend on it for life. Sort of the same thing, I guess. Anyway...leaves your lips silky, smooth, and lovely. Like lip gloss without being all nasty. Natural and shiz. Feel good about putting this on your lips.
Kiehl's stores or kiehls.com
A staple.
5. Dove Hairspray. For realsies!! This hairspray smells fresh and lovely and the "flexible hold" version holds you DO in place. Not fanciful at all. Awesome.
Any Drugstore.
like $4.
a good basic.
Sabon in Boston & NYC or sabonnyc.com
worth every penny!

2. Archipelago Botanicals Pomegranate Body Lotion. Holy Banana Hammock!! This is the best lotion ever!! Double exclamation points!! It blends in well (not greasy) and it smells like heaven on earth. Pomegranate is totally my new smell. This is the best lotion. For serious. They also have a ton of other products in this flava flave.
Beauty Supply stores, boutique-y places, various websites like amazon.com
heaven on earth

3. MAC X-Mascara. I've searched long and hard for a great mascara. One that is subtle because with my fair complexion, I don't need mascara that looks like I have fake lashes on every day. I prefer brown over black for every-day needs. Anyway, this wand is amazing and prevents clumpage and gives you real good lashes. Real nice.
MAC stores or mac.com
finally, a good mascara!

4. This lip balm is making a reappearance since my first "Things that I've Bought that I Love" post, but it totally deserves it. I have like four tubes...everywhere. Bathroom, bedside stand, car, purse traveling balm...I used to think I would die without Kiehl's Lip Balm #1. I don't think I would die now, but I depend on it for life. Sort of the same thing, I guess. Anyway...leaves your lips silky, smooth, and lovely. Like lip gloss without being all nasty. Natural and shiz. Feel good about putting this on your lips.
Kiehl's stores or kiehls.com
A staple.

5. Dove Hairspray. For realsies!! This hairspray smells fresh and lovely and the "flexible hold" version holds you DO in place. Not fanciful at all. Awesome.
Any Drugstore.
like $4.
a good basic.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Well, I personally love it when I nearly complete an entire post or email or some such shenanigans, and then I complete some numchuck maneuver on my computer and screw it all up. Suddenly, madame email or Senior blog post goes POOF BYE BYE. And then you try to recreate it and get all sad sack Sally and annoyed.
high lights from previous post with pictures and witty commentary:
-i finally bought a bookshelf
-i stood at not my car for like three minutes trying to unlock it
-new candle, bought at illuminations, better than yankee candle co, not so midwest country
-new placemats...no one to eat at them...no friends or family...lonely...look nice, though
-a lot of boxes to get rid of...trash is a biotch.
high lights from previous post with pictures and witty commentary:
-i finally bought a bookshelf
-i stood at not my car for like three minutes trying to unlock it
-new candle, bought at illuminations, better than yankee candle co, not so midwest country
-new placemats...no one to eat at them...no friends or family...lonely...look nice, though
-a lot of boxes to get rid of...trash is a biotch.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
sometimes i am a big idiot vanilla face. like today, when i decided to go to best buy at 4:45 to buy a microwave. knowing full well that i would have to deal with the wrath of two freeways. vanilla face.
comparing 90210 and dawson's creek
is like comparing ipods and crossword puzzles. they're both enjoyable and help you pass the time, but not that same at all. i read a review yesterday comparing these two youth-centered soap operas saying that 90210 laid the groundwork for dawson's creek, but i have to say that dawson's was totally original. i will get indignant.
also, i love pickles. the bright green ones, the cheaper ones, not the klaussen, crispy, sold-in-the-refrigerator ones.
in other news, i went to the laundromat yesterday and did 6 loads of laundry. suffice it to say that that was some smelly clothing. and i was running on E in terms of outfit possibilities. i was surviving on workout clothes.
also, i love pickles. the bright green ones, the cheaper ones, not the klaussen, crispy, sold-in-the-refrigerator ones.
in other news, i went to the laundromat yesterday and did 6 loads of laundry. suffice it to say that that was some smelly clothing. and i was running on E in terms of outfit possibilities. i was surviving on workout clothes.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I love Dawson's Creek
It is amazing. It is probably one of the best shows of the late 90's/early 2000's. So good. So dramatical. So heart-wrenching. Katie Holmes in her glory--before the psycho husband and alien baby, before the bad forehead hair, before the weird lumpy butt jeans, before the bad times. Also, who doesn't love watching Michelle Williams in that perma-no-teeth-smile, always seeming to be on the verge of tearing up, raging with a ecstasy addiction (in like two episodes). My one issue is that I never ever ever wanted Pacey and Joey to get together. It actually hurts my heart that Dawson and Joey never ended up together. There's just something about Dawson that I love. Can't explain it. Not the real actor, just Dawson. Maybe it's that he has a creek. I likes me a man with a little property. Hmmmmm.
Well, I am now calling San Diego home. It's a little crazy. I interviewed for some Marketing jobs, and learned the hard way through the "second interview" that "entry level marketing" means going door to door to businesses and trying to get them to buy promotional cruises, stays at golf resorts, or ice cream coupons. Oh. My. God. This is what I did with my day yesterday. And, I was wearing new heels--they were very small--but heels, none-the-less. My feet are killing me. What a terrible waste of a day. Well, like two days, if you count the fact that I'm incapacitated today.
Well, I am now calling San Diego home. It's a little crazy. I interviewed for some Marketing jobs, and learned the hard way through the "second interview" that "entry level marketing" means going door to door to businesses and trying to get them to buy promotional cruises, stays at golf resorts, or ice cream coupons. Oh. My. God. This is what I did with my day yesterday. And, I was wearing new heels--they were very small--but heels, none-the-less. My feet are killing me. What a terrible waste of a day. Well, like two days, if you count the fact that I'm incapacitated today.
Friday, February 23, 2007
not the mama
Best Week Ever has suggested that "Not the Momma" is back in '07. Which led me down memory lane. I remember Dinosaurs. How awesome. What an awesome show. I hope "Not the Momma" comes back in '07. I know I will personally be trying to do this. See video below. Because I don't know how to go back and add words under the video after it has already been posted. I suppose I had a window to do that in youtube. Oh well.
Not the Momma!
Not the Momma!
Not the Momma!
Not the Momma!
Not the Momma!
Not the Momma!
overheard in sheridan wyoming
in my awesome temporary occupation, i get a lot of time to observe old people...their habits, their ways and what they think and what happens when they have no filters. well, there was an interesting gentleman in today with very interesting thoughts on child discipline.
i quote, "you can tell a cow to love her calf, but if one come in that don't smell right or look right, you can't keep her from beating it." in other words, it is an inherent response for mothers to beat their children when they are out of line. also, he was not a big fan of bill clinton, because he signed a bill that made it so that parents could not beat their children.
i quote, "you can tell a cow to love her calf, but if one come in that don't smell right or look right, you can't keep her from beating it." in other words, it is an inherent response for mothers to beat their children when they are out of line. also, he was not a big fan of bill clinton, because he signed a bill that made it so that parents could not beat their children.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
do you ever hate people
based on their handwriting? i do it all the time. the nurse at my gyno office has this annoying handwriting that doesn't make me think, "i wonder why she writes that way," but rather, "i do not like her specifically because of her handwriting." conversely, i like people more when i like their handwriting. now, let's be clear here..."like" doesn't necessarily mean that it's good or pretty, just that it's not annoying.

i would not have been friends with this person. probably a lefty...still annoying.

no way. not friends.

supposedly bill clinton's handwriting. i like it. i would be friends with him.

we could kick it. i have to alter the rules a little for british people...inherently annoying handwriting, but diana's seems to overcome it.

i would not have been friends with this person. probably a lefty...still annoying.

no way. not friends.

supposedly bill clinton's handwriting. i like it. i would be friends with him.

we could kick it. i have to alter the rules a little for british people...inherently annoying handwriting, but diana's seems to overcome it.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
i love chandeliers
i love the moment after i shut my computer before the apple turns off.
i love when it's nice enough to ride around with my sun roof open.
i love cutting paper with a fresh x-acto blade.
i love cheesy television.
i love getting obsessed over things.
i love buying cosmetic products.
i love sweater vests.
i love thank you notes.
i love watching people roller blade.
i love ginger-coconut-lime-chicken thai soup.
i love my label maker.
i love miniatures of things.
i love free samples.
i love going to through the car wash and vaccuuming my carpets.
and i love chandeliers.
i love when it's nice enough to ride around with my sun roof open.
i love cutting paper with a fresh x-acto blade.
i love cheesy television.
i love getting obsessed over things.
i love buying cosmetic products.
i love sweater vests.
i love thank you notes.
i love watching people roller blade.
i love ginger-coconut-lime-chicken thai soup.
i love my label maker.
i love miniatures of things.
i love free samples.
i love going to through the car wash and vaccuuming my carpets.
and i love chandeliers.
Friday, February 2, 2007
things i've bought that i love
taking a page from mindy kaling's blog, i would like to share with everyone some things that i've bought that i love.
tarte indelible wink liquid eyeliner. this stuff is amazing. it's one of the few liquid eyeliners with a felt tip instead of a brush. this allows more control as the brush doesn't splay all over. also, the other end is a smudger, so you can smudge it around or fix mistakes. simply great. $22. sephora.com

polo classic oxfords. these are the comfiest shirts ever. i wear them as often as possible. i bought three in early december and have lived in them since. they are extremely comfortable AND they look very put-together.

kiehl's lip balm #1. the best lip product ever. possibly the best cosmetic product ever. leaves your lips soft, silky, shiny and lovely.
to my loyal readership of one: i apologize for not updating in a while. i've been very busy managing a medical practice. my mother has been out of town for almost two weeks and i've been filling in for her at my dad's office. she is sort of like the receptionist, accountant, bill payer, insurance claim everything go-to woman. so, for the past two weeks, that's what i've been. i've also been being a mom. taking emma places, making sure she gets where she needs to get on time, etc. she said i would make a good mom if i 1. didn't swear and 2. didn't listen to three specific songs on the indigo girl's album on repeat in the car. i thought that was funny.
anyway, i've been real busy not f-ing up the office, planning dinners, and taking emma places. it has also been BLIZZARDING here and macy continues to be a handful. i'm also in the thick of my valentine-making season. i sold 10 to the ladies in the office, but i don't know how many more i'll be able to sell...not really in a good place to sell them.
i'm exhausted from quite a long week. nighty night.
tarte indelible wink liquid eyeliner. this stuff is amazing. it's one of the few liquid eyeliners with a felt tip instead of a brush. this allows more control as the brush doesn't splay all over. also, the other end is a smudger, so you can smudge it around or fix mistakes. simply great. $22. sephora.com

polo classic oxfords. these are the comfiest shirts ever. i wear them as often as possible. i bought three in early december and have lived in them since. they are extremely comfortable AND they look very put-together.

kiehl's lip balm #1. the best lip product ever. possibly the best cosmetic product ever. leaves your lips soft, silky, shiny and lovely.

anyway, i've been real busy not f-ing up the office, planning dinners, and taking emma places. it has also been BLIZZARDING here and macy continues to be a handful. i'm also in the thick of my valentine-making season. i sold 10 to the ladies in the office, but i don't know how many more i'll be able to sell...not really in a good place to sell them.
i'm exhausted from quite a long week. nighty night.
Monday, January 22, 2007
i could just quilt myself to death.
i have historically enjoyed sewing. like paper crafting, sewing provides one with the opportunity to make something from nothing and express style and creativity. however, fabric at michael's or joanne's is usually fairly dismal. usually pretty fugly if you ask me. i'm not that down with calico bs that some people use. not so much.
what i am down with is this:

this beautiful little swatch of fabric comes to you from the finlandia collection at freespiritfabric, and oh my do they have some gorgeous gorgeous fabrics.
in other news:
it's true. *courtesy of Pretty On The Outside
question: do i look like someone real friendly or something? i am constantly having to talk to people in public who i don't know. for instance, this woman at the laundry facility today just kept striking up conversations, even though it was pretty obvi i was real into my people mag and catalog. it's ok, though, she was nice.
fact: laundry detergent does freeze, so do not keep it in your car if you live in a place where it is cold and stuff.
what i am down with is this:

this beautiful little swatch of fabric comes to you from the finlandia collection at freespiritfabric, and oh my do they have some gorgeous gorgeous fabrics.
in other news:

it's true. *courtesy of Pretty On The Outside
question: do i look like someone real friendly or something? i am constantly having to talk to people in public who i don't know. for instance, this woman at the laundry facility today just kept striking up conversations, even though it was pretty obvi i was real into my people mag and catalog. it's ok, though, she was nice.
fact: laundry detergent does freeze, so do not keep it in your car if you live in a place where it is cold and stuff.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
and circle gets the square.
so, i'm sitting here in the basement still laid up and watching the disney channel. currently: the suite life of zach and cody. dang, that is a "suite" show. i have been able to walk a little bit on my ankle, but the more i do, the more it becomes painful and more colorfully bruised.
basically, the only thing that i have to talk about is tv and the two floods that we have had in the basement. because of the floods, we can not use the shower and have to flush the toilet sparingly. i'm like, why don't we abandon this dumb house and move into the nicer house that we also own that is more conveniently located and more nicely decorated? seriously?! seriously.
basically, the only thing that i have to talk about is tv and the two floods that we have had in the basement. because of the floods, we can not use the shower and have to flush the toilet sparingly. i'm like, why don't we abandon this dumb house and move into the nicer house that we also own that is more conveniently located and more nicely decorated? seriously?! seriously.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
you know it's bad when...
...you end up watching the retirement channel for half an hour until you realize what you are doing. yikes. i've been camped out on the couch in the basement for the past three days with torn ligaments in my ankle. as a result of not being able to walk, i've watched a ton of awesomely terrible tv. i've watched some great TLC...what not to wear and ten years younger. however, i DO NOT watch anything about weddings or babies. also, i love many disney channel original shows such as the suite life of zack and cody, that's so raven, and phil of the future (my favorite).
i read on katherine's blog that yorkies are the number two pure-breed dog in the us. that is bs. those are terrible dogs. i'm actually more of a pound puppy person and less of a pure-bred person, but if i had to choose a possibly westminster-bound breed, i think i would have to pick the komondor. it is pretty much the dopest dog ever.
so, i'm bored. i watched the golden globes the other night, and they were ok. i obviously thought that the office should have won best comedy and steve carrell should have won best actor. i was ok with ugly betty winning (and definitely ok with america ferrera winning best actress--she was so beautiful and had the best speech) but alec baldwin?!? seriously? seriously. jenna fischer, aka pam beesly on the office, looked beautiful. so did angela kinsey (angela martin on the office). it's ok, though, it was only the golden globes. they did win the emmy. so, yeah.
i read on katherine's blog that yorkies are the number two pure-breed dog in the us. that is bs. those are terrible dogs. i'm actually more of a pound puppy person and less of a pure-bred person, but if i had to choose a possibly westminster-bound breed, i think i would have to pick the komondor. it is pretty much the dopest dog ever.
so, i'm bored. i watched the golden globes the other night, and they were ok. i obviously thought that the office should have won best comedy and steve carrell should have won best actor. i was ok with ugly betty winning (and definitely ok with america ferrera winning best actress--she was so beautiful and had the best speech) but alec baldwin?!? seriously? seriously. jenna fischer, aka pam beesly on the office, looked beautiful. so did angela kinsey (angela martin on the office). it's ok, though, it was only the golden globes. they did win the emmy. so, yeah.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
how can i leave this
just this morning, i was out walking macy and trooper and a blue expedition pulled into the driveway. i thought it was someone new on our road, because there is someone new on our road, but it was actually a car full of four jehovah's witnesses. i have just finished reading Awake! magazine about how God will make no more sickness and The Watchtower Magazine, about Man and Woman: the Dignified Role for Each. Honestly, those people drove 20 minutes outside of town to find us and give us pamphlets. Then the lady asked if I was married. When i said, "no, i'm only 22," she was like "well, you should think about getting married." hi, hello, i'm all set. thanks, though.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
oh lord, i love it
well, the new (long awaited) episode of the office was amazing. finally saw pam really break down. i think that's the kind of emotion that's going to motivate her to actively try to get jim in her life. every once in a while, there's a show that really takes a hold of me and i get so obsessed i have a difficult time remembering that it's all make believe and that it's not real. this is one of those shows. they formerly have included: queer as folk, grey's anatomy, and many movies. i cried tonight while watching the office. and i have had many dreams over the past two weeks in which i am part of the office cast, sometimes as pam and i manage to win over jim from evil karen. i've also become acustomed (is that how you spell that word?) to reading two fan blogs about the office. lame, but: officetally and life in the office.
my time home has been interesting. wyoming has not been immune to the crazy effects of global warming. it oscillates wildly between being frigidly cold and blizzard-like and 50 degrees with the sun shining. last night, when i took macy out for her nightly relief, the sky was so clear and the moon so bright, the only proof that it was winter was that there were some patches of snow on the ground. the air temp reminded me of an early spring afternoon.
oh my god. my dad did the funniest thing the other day. he usually doesn't shave over christmas vacation. anyway, emma and i had made dinner and we had also invented a pretty sweet-ass trivia game, but we gave my parents like 20 minutes off from family time while we cleaned up the kitchen. we began playing our great game and about 20 minutes into it my mom goes "YOU SHAVED A GOATEE." my dad had used his 20 free minutes to shave a goatee. a goatee. my dad with a goatee is unbearably funny. he's not really a facial hair guy. he's not in to fantasy football poker night with the guys, both things that i think of when i free associate with "goatee." but he wanted to experiment with a goatee, much like a teenager wants to experiment with dying their hair black, even if they're not a goth. it was probably the funniest thing that he has ever done. i have to tell andrea.
ok, that's it.
my time home has been interesting. wyoming has not been immune to the crazy effects of global warming. it oscillates wildly between being frigidly cold and blizzard-like and 50 degrees with the sun shining. last night, when i took macy out for her nightly relief, the sky was so clear and the moon so bright, the only proof that it was winter was that there were some patches of snow on the ground. the air temp reminded me of an early spring afternoon.
oh my god. my dad did the funniest thing the other day. he usually doesn't shave over christmas vacation. anyway, emma and i had made dinner and we had also invented a pretty sweet-ass trivia game, but we gave my parents like 20 minutes off from family time while we cleaned up the kitchen. we began playing our great game and about 20 minutes into it my mom goes "YOU SHAVED A GOATEE." my dad had used his 20 free minutes to shave a goatee. a goatee. my dad with a goatee is unbearably funny. he's not really a facial hair guy. he's not in to fantasy football poker night with the guys, both things that i think of when i free associate with "goatee." but he wanted to experiment with a goatee, much like a teenager wants to experiment with dying their hair black, even if they're not a goth. it was probably the funniest thing that he has ever done. i have to tell andrea.
ok, that's it.
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