that is the only photo that will be published of the event, because in the rest of them, we look like we were beaten by the tired and hot stick. not ideal weather for two irish whities and one guy with no hair on his head. it was 105 degrees, and was the hottest day on record this summer for the wild animal park. we thought we were going to die. the only saving grace was that they have the giant fans that spray water all over the place. we were greasy from sunscreen, sweating in places that are just not fun, hot, tired, whiny and just a bucket of pleasant.
by the time we got to dinner, we were ready to eat each others arms off, plus i had developed a horrendous headache, felt sick to my stomach and was doing that thing babies do when they're tired (rub their eyes) but to my whole face. julia took one look at me and flagged down the waitress and told her to bring us some bread. she basically saved me because i think i was about to die right then and there. it was a long drive home...and i passed out in the back seat, occasionally groaning to myself.
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