i love it. plus, having a coffee maker not only makes me feel mature, but it saves me like $1000/year on coffee drinks.

here is coffee maker on it's first birthday! we had a Pocahontas theme party!
Official Complaint Against San Diego Ahead:
In other news, I was a somewhat disgruntled bear yesterday. One would think that in the greater San Diego area, I would be able to find a gd music store. I need a new stand. And a theory book. Not too crazy of a request. I drove to one store I found on the intraweb yesterday only to find out that they are closed on Mondays. so GPS (aka Geeps) found me another store over in cute South Park. (Totally cute...also must be Europe-inspired because nothing was open there either.) Well, it turns out that the music store was turned in to an ice cream shop. Not ideal. I tried two others--similar stories. One was in a crazy-ass seedy area and was actually like a check cashing place or something like that. The other was in a residential area and was someone's house. Perhaps they give lessons or something. Anyway, I'm mad frustrated. All I want is some flipping music supplies!! That's all!! I googled some more places and it looks like I may be making a trip to La Jolla. Which, don't get me wrong, is gorgeous and gives me a great chance to go over there and poke around and stare at the sea lions for three hours and take too many pictures, but I feel like I should NOT have to drive twenty minutes to find a music store! In San Diego! INDIGNANT!! INCALCULABLE!! INDUBITABLY!! OTHER "I" WORDS!!
i love your coffee maker too.