ok. i have spent a lot of time in thought. well, that's a lie. i don't spend a ton of time in thought. but, i have thought some about this: do i prefer munchkins or oompa loompas? i think oompa loompas have always been at the forefront for me. but, i think that's due to exposure. i have been exposed to oompa loompas more. i've watched charlie and the chocolate factory much more than the wizard of oz. but, due to my new borderline freakish obsession with Wicked, i've put munchkins on the front burner in my wee mind. and, i think i prefer munchkins. they have individual sense of style and personality. and they are cuter. and they are not creepy. and they do not look like they got an overdose at mystic tan. so, my poll: do you prefer munchkins or oompa loompas? and why?

visual reminders above, if you need them. i mean, how cute are those munchkins? love the colors!
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