Thursday, February 22, 2007

do you ever hate people

based on their handwriting? i do it all the time. the nurse at my gyno office has this annoying handwriting that doesn't make me think, "i wonder why she writes that way," but rather, "i do not like her specifically because of her handwriting." conversely, i like people more when i like their handwriting. now, let's be clear here..."like" doesn't necessarily mean that it's good or pretty, just that it's not annoying.

i would not have been friends with this person. probably a lefty...still annoying.

no way. not friends.

supposedly bill clinton's handwriting. i like it. i would be friends with him.

we could kick it. i have to alter the rules a little for british people...inherently annoying handwriting, but diana's seems to overcome it.


  1. no, i love your handwriting. it has rhythm and flow and you don't try too hard and add stupid curly q thingies.

    unless you meant you're worried about me, in which case, it's probably warranted.
