Monday, October 29, 2007

things that are too beautiful to not share with the entire world

halloween is the best. i can wear my tacky accessories and call it costume. i can put on turquoise eye shadow and glitter eye liner and no one will think twice. it is the best.


and the best thing about this, is that we only spent $479 on these outfits at american apparel! awesome-town.

additionally, my ears are itching real bad this morning. i did a quick search and there are several reasons for itchy ears. the most horrifying is that bugs may be living in your ears. it could be a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, which is unlikely to have popped up over night. also, i could potentially have too little ear wax in my ears which is stupid but a possibility considering i use q-tips like 7 times a day. if you have thoughts, i'd love to hear. i took some benadryl because someone once told me that it could be allergy related.

by the way, i hate having to go to work.

1 comment:

  1. My sister swears that her ears itch when she eats apples. Did you eat an apple?
