the notebook
brokeback mountain
my girl
steel magnolias
la vita e bella
simon birch
bridge to terebithia (emma, what's up?)
raise your voice
little women
the fox and the hound
in no particular order
anything i forgot?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
what the office did on their summer vacation!
ahhhhhhhhhhh, 27th, where are you?!?!?!?!?!?
i found out i have grandkids...and kidsWednesday, August 29, 2007
these are things that i don't understand
i do not get greasers. since moving to san diego, i have encountered greasers for the first time. and i have to say that i do not get it. i don't have much more to say on the topic. i've been trying to find a suitable photo so that you may also not get it with me, but i can't find one. i just know that today, when i was in the whole foods parking lot, a respectable lil prius parked next to me and out popped a chick with magenta hair and real short bangs up in a bandana or some such shenanigans and i said to myself, "i do not get this." kind of like how i never really got jincos, or whatever those heinous tent pants were that could fit like three of your friends in each leg. but, i guess those people would question my clean-cut sense of style. all those pastels! all those polo shirts! all that seersucker! all that gap! grosssssss.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
ummmm, someone could have told me
that jane austen never got married.
i tried to see an uplifting love story--no go.
i tried to see an uplifting love story--no go.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Why I am probably not an American
- I hate lemonade
- I do not like MTV
- I do not like cereal, except for raisin bran
- I do not know jack about football, nor do I wish to
- I only like foreign apples
- I like to wear black and brown together
- I hate pancakes
- I think America is tacky a lot of the time
Also, ice trays: WTF. I have probably spent close to $50.00 on frickin ice trays. I simply don't think ice should be that hard. And until I have a fancy fridge with ice that comes out of it automatically, I will have to deal with this issue. I have bought really cheap ones, ones that were 5$ a tray, ones that were $9 a tray and they are all a pain in the ass! What the heck.
Also, what kind of moron designs a closet that the frickin hangers do not fit in. For realsies.
Also, I love the adjective "comely"--what the heck does that even mean?
Also, I love Dawson's Creek! Favorite line of late: "Did you develop a lazy eye, or were you looking at me when you said 'we'?" --Dawson Beloved Leery
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hell says hello
Well I know, I miss more than hit
With a face that was launched to sink
An' I seldom feel, the bright relief
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
If there's one thing I have said
Is that the dreams I once had, now lay in bed
As the four winds blow, my wits through the door
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
With a face that was launched to sink
An' I seldom feel, the bright relief
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
If there's one thing I have said
Is that the dreams I once had, now lay in bed
As the four winds blow, my wits through the door
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Fallin' down to you sweet ground
Where the flowers they bloom
It's there I'll be found
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Though these wounds have seen no wars
Except for the scars I have ignored
And this endless crutch, well it's never enough
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Hell says hello, well it's time to I should go
To pastures green, that I've yet to see
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Where the flowers they bloom
It's there I'll be found
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Though these wounds have seen no wars
Except for the scars I have ignored
And this endless crutch, well it's never enough
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Hell says hello, well it's time to I should go
To pastures green, that I've yet to see
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
It's been the Worst Day Since Yesterday
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I love it when put your itunes on shuffle and rediscover some true prizes! for example, right now, i'm enjoying chingy's holiday inn! for shizzle, dizzle! a treasure.
so, my obsession of the moment is britney spears. yesterday, by the grace of youtube, i watched all of britney's videos from back in the day. from baby one more time to overprotected to everytime. it was quite a journey. i--i--well, my heart just goes out to her. why is she so crazy face? what can we do to help her through these troubling times? AND WHAT THE DANG HECK DOES HER HAIR LOOK LIKE UNDER ALL THOSE WIGS? i read in a mag this morning that 67% of people polled believe that britney has a better chance of a comeback than llo (lindsey lohan, ICYMI). so, she has support. she just needs to get her shenanigans together!
also, i'm falling apart! between Toe and my molting back, i disgust my own self. in the words of buster from arrested development, "i'm a monster." i'm getting real tired of marinating myself in aloe and lidocaine. for serious, y'all!
things i'm unabashed about:
-my love of country music.
-my love of sweat bands! work it girl!
-my love of fancy cosmetic products that i do not always need.
-my obsession with stamping, embossing, and paper crafting. see paper ladder.
-kool-aid. though i don't drink it, i love kool-aid. and even, for penny, fool-aid.
-my love of the girls next door!
-my disdain and disrespect for people who inappropriately use apostrophes. excuse me, apostrophe's. yuck!!
-the fact that i think being in my car makes me invisible/invincible/kelly clarkson.
-my kazoo. i like to carry it around with me various places.
-my love of clorox wipes. all of my other cleaning products are eco-friendly, but i gotta have me some clorox wipes!
so, my obsession of the moment is britney spears. yesterday, by the grace of youtube, i watched all of britney's videos from back in the day. from baby one more time to overprotected to everytime. it was quite a journey. i--i--well, my heart just goes out to her. why is she so crazy face? what can we do to help her through these troubling times? AND WHAT THE DANG HECK DOES HER HAIR LOOK LIKE UNDER ALL THOSE WIGS? i read in a mag this morning that 67% of people polled believe that britney has a better chance of a comeback than llo (lindsey lohan, ICYMI). so, she has support. she just needs to get her shenanigans together!
also, i'm falling apart! between Toe and my molting back, i disgust my own self. in the words of buster from arrested development, "i'm a monster." i'm getting real tired of marinating myself in aloe and lidocaine. for serious, y'all!
things i'm unabashed about:
-my love of country music.
-my love of sweat bands! work it girl!
-my love of fancy cosmetic products that i do not always need.
-my obsession with stamping, embossing, and paper crafting. see paper ladder.
-kool-aid. though i don't drink it, i love kool-aid. and even, for penny, fool-aid.
-my love of the girls next door!
-my disdain and disrespect for people who inappropriately use apostrophes. excuse me, apostrophe's. yuck!!
-the fact that i think being in my car makes me invisible/invincible/kelly clarkson.
-my kazoo. i like to carry it around with me various places.
-my love of clorox wipes. all of my other cleaning products are eco-friendly, but i gotta have me some clorox wipes!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
given the namesake of this BLOG on the INTRAWEBS
I think that it is only appropriate that we chat a little bit about HSM2, as it premiered last evening.
For those of you not in the know (who the heck could that be?) HSM is the empire also known as High School Musical. Last evening, the much awaited and anticipated sequel premiered on the Disney Channel. I have to admit--I was nervous, at best. I love HSM the first so much that my heart lept for joy at the mere mention of it. I know the thing by heart--lines, music, and dances. So, I was nervous that the second could not match the genius of the first. And it didn't. But, that's ok. It was still good.
Set at a country club in the middle of New Mexico (actually shot in St. George Utah, a place I have driven through many times) we celebrated once more the notion that we are 'all in this together.' Through thick and thin, shenanigans and Sharpay Evans, the East High Wildcats prove that everything will always work out in the end. Here are some initial thoughts after my first viewing. I did tivo it, so I will likely watch it at least three more times before the week is up.
You would think Sharpay would have more game. Being one of the most manipulative, scheming and conniving people I have ever not actually met, I presumed that she wouldn't flit around like a retarded Spice Girl when it came to landing a man. I guess I should stop assuming, cause she did flit around like a retarded Spice Girl. At one point, Taylor says, "That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match." Sorry to say, that is not true. She's good about the set up, but when it comes to the play, she's all wrong!
I love Zac Efron, even if that is wrong. Even is it looks like he passed out in a Mystic Tan booth. Even if he is kind of awkward (same like me!) Even if he betrayed the trust of Gabriella and the rest of the WILDCATS. I love him teaching children to play golf. However, I began to feel a little uncomfortable when he was shirtless in various scenes. It. Just. Feels. Wrong. Uhhhhhh, no.
What's with all the GD hats?! Seriously. The frumpy piano player Kelsi always wears these retarded hats that don't match the rest of her outfit, and she just makes me angry. In general, everyone is too accessorized--which, coming from me (an accessory princess), means a lot.
I fell in love with Ryan in HSM2! "What am I supposed to do with my tiki warrior outfit?" We're like soul mates. How many times have I found myself saying that..... I'm glad we saw him finally stick up for himself and hold his on against Sharpay an Corbin Bleu! "You don't think dancing takes game?" I love it! I love that his dad was always trying to straighten his hat! I love that he can actually play baseball--saving his manly reputation from those who would say that he is only good at drama, music, and yoga. But then when he and Corbin (how dumb is it that I know his real name and can't remember his character's name) "switched hats" I laughed my ass off. What do you think that means? Wink Wink. In other news, Ryan reminds me of a dude I went to high school with named Ryan.
Back to Sharpay. In the end, I feel bad for her. I mean, she is crazy, but as it turns out, she's just an insecure girl, like you and me. When she says to Troy, "I just sort wish you were doing this for me," my heart got a little Sad. She just wants to be loved, same like me! If she just stripped the shenanigans, she would be Lovable. When she says, "Actually, right now I think I like you better than I like myself--did I just say that?" my heart melted. It was the perfect blend of Sharpay and genuine heart break.
Also, I love it when Gabriella went all Montez on Sharpay's ass. Also, I loved her Selena video-esque break up song. Those tears looked so real! Those were the only enjoyable GM parts. Otherwise, she's just WB (white bread) to me.
Of Note: Sharpay uses the word "farce" in both HSM1 and 2!
Additionally: The sound was terrible. At times, it sounded like they recorded inside of a tin can.
For those of you not in the know (who the heck could that be?) HSM is the empire also known as High School Musical. Last evening, the much awaited and anticipated sequel premiered on the Disney Channel. I have to admit--I was nervous, at best. I love HSM the first so much that my heart lept for joy at the mere mention of it. I know the thing by heart--lines, music, and dances. So, I was nervous that the second could not match the genius of the first. And it didn't. But, that's ok. It was still good.
Set at a country club in the middle of New Mexico (actually shot in St. George Utah, a place I have driven through many times) we celebrated once more the notion that we are 'all in this together.' Through thick and thin, shenanigans and Sharpay Evans, the East High Wildcats prove that everything will always work out in the end. Here are some initial thoughts after my first viewing. I did tivo it, so I will likely watch it at least three more times before the week is up.
You would think Sharpay would have more game. Being one of the most manipulative, scheming and conniving people I have ever not actually met, I presumed that she wouldn't flit around like a retarded Spice Girl when it came to landing a man. I guess I should stop assuming, cause she did flit around like a retarded Spice Girl. At one point, Taylor says, "That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match." Sorry to say, that is not true. She's good about the set up, but when it comes to the play, she's all wrong!
I love Zac Efron, even if that is wrong. Even is it looks like he passed out in a Mystic Tan booth. Even if he is kind of awkward (same like me!) Even if he betrayed the trust of Gabriella and the rest of the WILDCATS. I love him teaching children to play golf. However, I began to feel a little uncomfortable when he was shirtless in various scenes. It. Just. Feels. Wrong. Uhhhhhh, no.
What's with all the GD hats?! Seriously. The frumpy piano player Kelsi always wears these retarded hats that don't match the rest of her outfit, and she just makes me angry. In general, everyone is too accessorized--which, coming from me (an accessory princess), means a lot.
I fell in love with Ryan in HSM2! "What am I supposed to do with my tiki warrior outfit?" We're like soul mates. How many times have I found myself saying that..... I'm glad we saw him finally stick up for himself and hold his on against Sharpay an Corbin Bleu! "You don't think dancing takes game?" I love it! I love that his dad was always trying to straighten his hat! I love that he can actually play baseball--saving his manly reputation from those who would say that he is only good at drama, music, and yoga. But then when he and Corbin (how dumb is it that I know his real name and can't remember his character's name) "switched hats" I laughed my ass off. What do you think that means? Wink Wink. In other news, Ryan reminds me of a dude I went to high school with named Ryan.
Back to Sharpay. In the end, I feel bad for her. I mean, she is crazy, but as it turns out, she's just an insecure girl, like you and me. When she says to Troy, "I just sort wish you were doing this for me," my heart got a little Sad. She just wants to be loved, same like me! If she just stripped the shenanigans, she would be Lovable. When she says, "Actually, right now I think I like you better than I like myself--did I just say that?" my heart melted. It was the perfect blend of Sharpay and genuine heart break.
Also, I love it when Gabriella went all Montez on Sharpay's ass. Also, I loved her Selena video-esque break up song. Those tears looked so real! Those were the only enjoyable GM parts. Otherwise, she's just WB (white bread) to me.
Of Note: Sharpay uses the word "farce" in both HSM1 and 2!
Additionally: The sound was terrible. At times, it sounded like they recorded inside of a tin can.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Lil Mama - Lip Gloss Video
WHATCHU KNOW BOUT ME. so true. my lipgloss is also always poppin. well, my kiehl's lip balm no. 1. but same thing, right?
i'm not sure what my pops was thinking
when he bought me this computer with a built in camera. as a youth, my mom was constantly reminding me not to look in the mirror all the time. i just like to know what i look like at any given moment. i just went through and deleted waaaaaaaaay too many photos of myself on photobooth.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
why i am Too Nice
i would like to say this to my parents: you raised me with very good manners. and some times that does not serve me well. being Too Nice is not always the best thing to be because sometimes you are unable to be Assertive. because i always care about Other People's Feelings, i do not stick up for myself enough. take today, for example. i was just jetting to the gap to do some lunch time (usually not so window) shopping. unfortunately, there are also damn kiosks in the pathway to the gap and today a dude grabbed me on the shoulder and put a hot cloth-covered shenanigans on my back. at which point i yelped and cried in pain due to the Sunburn. anyway, twenty minutes later, three incidents of complementing my eyes, and a pile of bamboozling, i was 30$ poorer and in possession of a stupid cloth thing filled with lavender and mint and whatever else crap that i can put in the freezer or microwave. i didn't really want that thing. but i have a hard time saying no. because i'm too polite. son of a bee! from now on i will try my hardest to be Rude. it will serve me better in life, i think. and maybe one day i'll get in a fight! i have always wanted to do that!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
sunburn management
don't get me started.
don't even get me started.
my lord.
there is no excuse for ANYONE IN THE WORLD to ever, EVER, EVER use wingdings. ever. especially when it is a somewhat official form. do not use it ever. i'm just saying.
i will hunt you down with a basilisk fang. and you know what that means!
my lord.
there is no excuse for ANYONE IN THE WORLD to ever, EVER, EVER use wingdings. ever. especially when it is a somewhat official form. do not use it ever. i'm just saying.
i will hunt you down with a basilisk fang. and you know what that means!
Monday, August 13, 2007
nobody said it was easy.
but nobody said that it would be this hard.
i mean, being an adult is realll hard. grocery shopping alone is a hard thing. sometimes, i'll forget to go grocery shopping for like three weeks and the only thing in my fridge is vitamin water, yogurt, and celery. and, if i were a model, that would be all i would need. but i'm not.
and that's the least of it. i mean, i have to get my car registered in california--what the heck do i have to do and can my mom and dad come do it for me please? (dad--please?)
also, can my mom and dad write me notes when i don't want to do things? and can i go hide by the creek when i'm sad/mad/disenfranchised? like, can i just please be about 12 again? even though i was awkward and not cool and didn't have my ears pierced. cause sometimes, it's all too much.
i mean, being an adult is realll hard. grocery shopping alone is a hard thing. sometimes, i'll forget to go grocery shopping for like three weeks and the only thing in my fridge is vitamin water, yogurt, and celery. and, if i were a model, that would be all i would need. but i'm not.
and that's the least of it. i mean, i have to get my car registered in california--what the heck do i have to do and can my mom and dad come do it for me please? (dad--please?)
also, can my mom and dad write me notes when i don't want to do things? and can i go hide by the creek when i'm sad/mad/disenfranchised? like, can i just please be about 12 again? even though i was awkward and not cool and didn't have my ears pierced. cause sometimes, it's all too much.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
i believe in
being a good friend, sister and daughter
writing letters
making amends
being silly
stuffed animals/plants being okay substitutes for friends
crying when you need to, but not when you don't want to
being a good friend, sister and daughter
writing letters
making amends
being silly
stuffed animals/plants being okay substitutes for friends
crying when you need to, but not when you don't want to
five reasons i feel wildly unsafe
okay, two
1. someone was shot a killed a block away from my house like one week ago. the natural conclusion is that i'm next.
2. someone has had a suspicious looking package outside their apartment door for like three weeks. i mean, if it were a bomb, it probably would have gone off by now--but still.
i think i should get a gun or a knife or at least an ax for protection.
1. someone was shot a killed a block away from my house like one week ago. the natural conclusion is that i'm next.
2. someone has had a suspicious looking package outside their apartment door for like three weeks. i mean, if it were a bomb, it probably would have gone off by now--but still.
i think i should get a gun or a knife or at least an ax for protection.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
things that are fun versus things that are not fun, by amanda l hall
things that are fun:
buying things in bulk
realizing that you are tan--and not just tan-for-you tan, but actually tan.
drinking smart water with lime and feeling like you are jennifer anniston.
buying and burning sage from hippies, only to realize that it smells much more like pot.
clorox wipes--all flavors.
things that are not fun:
stubbing your toe under the tire of your car and separating the toenail from the toe.
getting a blown out tire at 10:45 at night on the freeway and realizing that your jack is broken and having to call and wait for AAA for 45 minutes.
being back logged on dawson's creek.

this + nighttime + 15S +single girl + busted jack and no working flashlight = me tonight.

this + whining + some tears = me this week.
as aunt linda would say: "OH GAAAHHHHHH"

buying things in bulk
realizing that you are tan--and not just tan-for-you tan, but actually tan.
drinking smart water with lime and feeling like you are jennifer anniston.
buying and burning sage from hippies, only to realize that it smells much more like pot.
clorox wipes--all flavors.
things that are not fun:
stubbing your toe under the tire of your car and separating the toenail from the toe.
getting a blown out tire at 10:45 at night on the freeway and realizing that your jack is broken and having to call and wait for AAA for 45 minutes.
being back logged on dawson's creek.

this + nighttime + 15S +single girl + busted jack and no working flashlight = me tonight.

this + whining + some tears = me this week.
as aunt linda would say: "OH GAAAHHHHHH"

bonjour, jean-otis!
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