Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Change is inevitable, it is necessary, it is life.  And yeah, change can be hard.  Sometimes it can be incredibly good. And sometimes it can have no impact whatsoever.  Lots of times, things that change leave a presence of absence behind.  A yearning, perhaps for only a bit, for how times used to be and often, what we wouldn't give to return to those times.  Two five-year reunions are occurring for institutions I was a part of at one time (Wellesley College and SEA Semester), and though I'm not going to be flying across the country to re-live those times with our 5-years-older selves, I'm left thinking about how it was, and how hard the change from those lives was (at the time) and that, dang, change is kinda hard.  So, yes, moving across the country from your college BF's elicits that feeling of absence, or yearning, maybe even of sadness.  People come and go through your life so rapidly its hard to keep count.  At least you can get in touch with them.