In this tumultuous time, when I am unsure when I’m going to get my next episode of the Office or Gossip Girls, I take a small amount of solace in the fact that there is one reality show that I like and look forward to. Ari will tell you—it wasn’t an easy sell. I’ve programmed myself to automatically hate all reality television show. To her chagrin, I can’t stand Real Housewives of Orange County or Made. Or Real World. Or Road Rules. Or….the list goes on and on. (Except I have a secret fondness for Snoopp Dogg Fatherhood, Run’s House, and The Girls Next Door, but shhhh.) But ever since the night when I when I first saw Project Runway on tv, I was immediately drawn to the shiny things—the clothing and the gays. And seeing Heidi Klum try to host a television show. It’s like watching a fish try to type an email. It’s a comedy that needs not writers. And thank goodness!
So, I’m sure you’re dying to know my favs/least favs.
At this point, I think Christian is going to win. Bottom line, as much as I want to shove whatever Sweet Pea made that episode down his throat, the boy is…Fierce. “Fierce! And I have met some fierce bitches in my life!”
My favorite is Chris and I think it terribly apropos that he won that challenge which required him to pull out his tackiest, most flagrant designs. I love him! My previous favorite was the French Stewart guy, but he got kicked off a while ago.

I can not stand Jillian. However, I believe I would be most likely to wear her designs. She’s not fierce, just classy. And severely annoying.
I would like Sweet Pea to leave. I’m not sure how she made it this far. Her fake teeth bother me.
Rommey has not captured my heart, nor has he turned me off. I think he’ll place 3rd.
Here’s how it’s going to go down:
Sweet Pea