Here are two more.
"A lot of people think that zombies walk funny."
"Do you like onion rings?"
"Suck it up Glenn!"
Ed Helms is amazing. Andy Bernard is one of my most cherished tv personalities. He can sing and is crazy.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
diatribe 735

Ok, bedding. Let me start by saying that there is nothing I love more than a well-made bed. That's a lie actually. There are actually a lot of things I love more, but a well-made bed is certainly a lovely thing. I have always, even in my "louder" phases, put together an interesting bed. I have always appreciated the subtle art of designing bedding. Anyway, when I became an adult, I got a real bed, not a twin or a xl twin or any munchkin bed and I couldn't have been more excited about creating my bedding scheme. I fell in love with this Jonathan Adler scheme to the right (or above, depending on how this post pans out) and sprung for the duvet cover. A pricey venture. I didn't go for the sheets because I thought it was a little too busy and I wanted to branch out with some other design elements. I went with some reallly realllly comfy like 9,000 thread count sheets or something in a sky blue. And I have some crazy accent pillows. All in all I love my bed. It's crazy comfy and I love going to sleep in it. I feel like a princess. Today, I decided to take our relationship to the next level. I went to get some shams. No, not that kind of sham or that kind. Pillow shams, but they might as well be sham shams. I picked up a beautiful near-navy sham that went with my bedding and had to resuscitate my own self when I saw that they were $45.00. A piece. Add that to the price of good pillows and I was easily looking at $130.00 for some pillows. Psych. No way. I found some standard shams in white that were on sale for $17.99 each which is still a rip off for two rectangles of fabric sewn together, but but better than $45.00. Son of a gun.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
lest we forget what is really important

Oh. My. God. Yet another post about television. Yikes.
oh my god, the angst
for realsies! ok, so i don't do much. i don't have a job yet, and, well, i don't have a job yet so i don't have a lot of things that regularly occupy my time. so, as i'm sure you've figured out, i turn to television to provide a schedule. mondays are house, md days. tuesdays are (sorry) american idol days. and house, md days. wednesdays are american idol days again (although sometimes i just catch the last 15 minutes to find out who got kicked off). thursdays are big for me because there's earl, THE OFFICE, 30 rock, scrubs, and grey's anatomy. sometimes i have to do some fancy footwork with the tivo to make sure i can watch everything.
the day-to-day basis, however, is the tv that actually comproses my schedule. 5-6 i can catch two episodes of king of queens, 6-7: two episodes of that 70's show and 7-8: two will and graces. awesome. not that i always watch that slate of three hours of syndication, but sometimes i do. but most importantly: 9-10 am: DAWSON'S FRICKIN CREEK.
at this point, you still trying to tie in the title. fear not, i have not yet made a connection. that pollywog above, in addition to making me feel very lame and pitiful is to distract you from the fact that i wanted this post to be about dawson's creek. but, i write so much about dawson's creek, you'd think that it were still actively on television. man, i love that show. i'm a little grateful that i never watched it was it was really on, because this way is so much better. i don't have to wait a week or a whole summer to find out what happens next and who falls in the creek. so, today, joey and dawson finally "proved their love" if you know what i mean. and they spent this entire day in which you forget that she's supposedly going to this Harvard-esque fictional university and that she'd probably have a frickin lot to do, especially at the beginning of the semester. how cute and heartwarming. and then she's plays the annoying girlfriend card and steals his phone away when it's ringing to see who's calling and you want to shoot her in the face when she goes postal about the fact that dawson had been seeing some bird over the summer in la. the same summer that joey did not call him and also saw someone else. IT MAKES ME SO MAD. well, she makes me mad a lot of the time because she's frightfully annoying and her smile makes me want to punch a wall, but this made me mad at humanity as well. because how often do we hear about/see that? all the frickin time. people get jealous at the drop of a hat and it annoys the bananas out of me. like, for serious, did you not imagine that there could ever be someone else in a person's life beside you? and this isn't the case about dawson and joey, cause they've known each other their whole life, but for a lot of others, it seems like people refuse to accept that there may have been someone in their life before them that was really important and all that. IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD. i don't get jealous like that, dude. america, you are NOT the father. i know that doesn't make any sense, but it's cool.
the day-to-day basis, however, is the tv that actually comproses my schedule. 5-6 i can catch two episodes of king of queens, 6-7: two episodes of that 70's show and 7-8: two will and graces. awesome. not that i always watch that slate of three hours of syndication, but sometimes i do. but most importantly: 9-10 am: DAWSON'S FRICKIN CREEK.
at this point, you still trying to tie in the title. fear not, i have not yet made a connection. that pollywog above, in addition to making me feel very lame and pitiful is to distract you from the fact that i wanted this post to be about dawson's creek. but, i write so much about dawson's creek, you'd think that it were still actively on television. man, i love that show. i'm a little grateful that i never watched it was it was really on, because this way is so much better. i don't have to wait a week or a whole summer to find out what happens next and who falls in the creek. so, today, joey and dawson finally "proved their love" if you know what i mean. and they spent this entire day in which you forget that she's supposedly going to this Harvard-esque fictional university and that she'd probably have a frickin lot to do, especially at the beginning of the semester. how cute and heartwarming. and then she's plays the annoying girlfriend card and steals his phone away when it's ringing to see who's calling and you want to shoot her in the face when she goes postal about the fact that dawson had been seeing some bird over the summer in la. the same summer that joey did not call him and also saw someone else. IT MAKES ME SO MAD. well, she makes me mad a lot of the time because she's frightfully annoying and her smile makes me want to punch a wall, but this made me mad at humanity as well. because how often do we hear about/see that? all the frickin time. people get jealous at the drop of a hat and it annoys the bananas out of me. like, for serious, did you not imagine that there could ever be someone else in a person's life beside you? and this isn't the case about dawson and joey, cause they've known each other their whole life, but for a lot of others, it seems like people refuse to accept that there may have been someone in their life before them that was really important and all that. IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD. i don't get jealous like that, dude. america, you are NOT the father. i know that doesn't make any sense, but it's cool.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mandy Listens to Muzak!
Ok, so I am no for realsies music critic. But, I do like music. All kinds of it. After my brief foray into Film Critique (see post below), I felt good, smart, etc., and in the words of Toby, I want to chase that feeling.
So, in the first installment of what I like to call "Mandy Listens to Muzak!" aka "I Don't Just Watch TV," I'll delve into a little music critique! Here weeeeeee goooooo!
Artist: Wyclef Jean
Album: The Carnival
I don't often like an entire album. I'm self-proclaimed totally music A.D.D. Totally. I'll listen to a song and 3/4 of the way through skip to the next. Or i buy an album and listen to three songs on it. But this album is one that I can basically listen to the whole thing! It's awesome! It has this crazy good mixture of upbeat songs, funky songs, moving songs and silly songs. You can hear Lauryn Hill on several of the tracks which is always a bonus with her powerhouse voice. The interludes are funny and they even feature a cover of a BeeGees song! I'm Barry F-in Gibb! How could you not love anything that is Wyclef Jean + Barry Gibb? The answer is that you could not not love it. The Carnival: because Wyclef Jean should not just be known for that Shakira song.
So, in the first installment of what I like to call "Mandy Listens to Muzak!" aka "I Don't Just Watch TV," I'll delve into a little music critique! Here weeeeeee goooooo!

Album: The Carnival
I don't often like an entire album. I'm self-proclaimed totally music A.D.D. Totally. I'll listen to a song and 3/4 of the way through skip to the next. Or i buy an album and listen to three songs on it. But this album is one that I can basically listen to the whole thing! It's awesome! It has this crazy good mixture of upbeat songs, funky songs, moving songs and silly songs. You can hear Lauryn Hill on several of the tracks which is always a bonus with her powerhouse voice. The interludes are funny and they even feature a cover of a BeeGees song! I'm Barry F-in Gibb! How could you not love anything that is Wyclef Jean + Barry Gibb? The answer is that you could not not love it. The Carnival: because Wyclef Jean should not just be known for that Shakira song.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
while you were appreciating the full use of your hamstrings
I went and saw a couple of movies last night. I paid for one and double featured the other which is the only way to do it. The first was The Ex which was very hilarious. Jason Bateman, whom I love, plays just a total jerk and Zach Braff plays Zach Braff and Amanda Peet plays...well, someone who doesn't quite fit into this movie. It was pretty funny. I should have seen it second so that I could have left with a good taste in my mouth.
I unfortunately saw Georgia Rule as my second movie. It was terrible. I feel like this was LLo's first opportunity to act in a real movie with a character with some depth, and she blew it. It didn't help that the writing was terrible and obviously the director could salvage anything, but LLo definitely cemented herself as a former child star. She was real cute in The Parent Trap, but simply can not act. Felicity Huffman not only annoys me, but she also overacted her way through the whole thing. And she had painful hair for the last 2/3 of the movie. Next: Jane Fonda. She was acting in a different movie. One that had more Golden Girls in it. And more cats. At the risk of boring you to death with my review here, I won't go into too much more. The movie was bogus. Bottom line.
In addition, my hamstrings are burning. PT killed me. Well, I killed myself, but there is no stretch in the world that is fixing this.
I unfortunately saw Georgia Rule as my second movie. It was terrible. I feel like this was LLo's first opportunity to act in a real movie with a character with some depth, and she blew it. It didn't help that the writing was terrible and obviously the director could salvage anything, but LLo definitely cemented herself as a former child star. She was real cute in The Parent Trap, but simply can not act. Felicity Huffman not only annoys me, but she also overacted her way through the whole thing. And she had painful hair for the last 2/3 of the movie. Next: Jane Fonda. She was acting in a different movie. One that had more Golden Girls in it. And more cats. At the risk of boring you to death with my review here, I won't go into too much more. The movie was bogus. Bottom line.
In addition, my hamstrings are burning. PT killed me. Well, I killed myself, but there is no stretch in the world that is fixing this.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
i forgot!
I also finally got my 2007 planner completed. I bought the necessary supplies while up in LA this weekend (visiting Katherine and hoping to see the Weepies) and was finally able to finish it. Of course four solid months will remain blank unless I go back and recreate a pretend schedule.
Yesterday, I finally finished a little project I've been planning for like 7 months. I made my own little paper ladder. Check it out below. (It is a little crooked--I need to work on the stability.)
I also, unfortunately, pranced around my apartment and took pictures of myself. Some were self timers and some were straight up hold the camera out in front of you shots.

I also went to Whole Foods and bought milk in a glass jar. I feel like I'm back in the 50's. I love it.

I also went to Whole Foods and bought milk in a glass jar. I feel like I'm back in the 50's. I love it.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Tammi said it best:
Anyway, tonight I took a little stroll down memory lane courtesy of FB. Well. Not really my memory lane, but the memory lane of other people that went there. And still go there. Basically, people I was not friends with and who were ugly and or gross. It was an ego boost. Knowing that I'm so much prettier and less annoying and less gross than a lot of those people makes me feel good about myself. I know that's bad. But, it's soo good. Sooo good.
Man, I started reading the book Wicked. I have to say that I can no longer send it on to my 13-year old sister. It is a little dirty. Who knew? Seriously! Those Munchkins have their heads in the gutters. Naughty.
So, oh my god, the person who had the 619 number before me apparently has mad debt. People are trying to collect from her L and R and I am going to freak out if I have to handle one more phone call and try to convince someone that I'm not lying and I'm really not that chick. I'm going to have bug eyes and the vein in my forehead will make a night of it. It's just not cool. For realsies!
So lately, I have been doing an inordinate amount of stalking. Seriously, I've probably googled/facebooked/myspaced you, if I know you. You and people I went to elementary school/ junior high/ high school with. Man, talk about memory lane. It's like...woah, I remember when that kid used to number his math notebook with roman numerals! Look, he's tall and drinks beer! Or, man, that girl turned out ugly! But I guess I was the girl who wore tshirts from places I had been on guess I shouldn't talk too much smack.
Sometimes it feels so good to be hated. It's as though I have so much power over someone else to make them really angry with me.Beautiful.
Anyway, tonight I took a little stroll down memory lane courtesy of FB. Well. Not really my memory lane, but the memory lane of other people that went there. And still go there. Basically, people I was not friends with and who were ugly and or gross. It was an ego boost. Knowing that I'm so much prettier and less annoying and less gross than a lot of those people makes me feel good about myself. I know that's bad. But, it's soo good. Sooo good.
Man, I started reading the book Wicked. I have to say that I can no longer send it on to my 13-year old sister. It is a little dirty. Who knew? Seriously! Those Munchkins have their heads in the gutters. Naughty.
So, oh my god, the person who had the 619 number before me apparently has mad debt. People are trying to collect from her L and R and I am going to freak out if I have to handle one more phone call and try to convince someone that I'm not lying and I'm really not that chick. I'm going to have bug eyes and the vein in my forehead will make a night of it. It's just not cool. For realsies!
So lately, I have been doing an inordinate amount of stalking. Seriously, I've probably googled/facebooked/myspaced you, if I know you. You and people I went to elementary school/ junior high/ high school with. Man, talk about memory lane. It's like...woah, I remember when that kid used to number his math notebook with roman numerals! Look, he's tall and drinks beer! Or, man, that girl turned out ugly! But I guess I was the girl who wore tshirts from places I had been on guess I shouldn't talk too much smack.
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