Friday, February 8, 2013

Follow me on Tumblr!  Self Portrait 2.6.13

Unfortunately, I have to work really hard at working out.  I have to force myself to go do it, force myself to do it long enough and hard enough.  Force myself!  Once I get there, jam to some rap, and get into it - I like it, but boy-oh-boy I also hate it at the same time.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's going on with my Valentines this year?

Follow me on Instagram!  Drawing Ink phase of screen printing process.
It is an exciting year for my Valentines!  While I didn't get my act together to formally sell them this year, a lot of people will be getting V-tines from Miss Amanda because I busted out the Speedball screen printing kit I have only used twice in 5 years and went a little hog wild.  Photos of final product to come.   Look - yet another use for the sports section!

Follow me on Instagram!  Flacco gracing my screen printing guide.

What's Changing Over Here

How I take care of my body.
How I take care of my stuff.
How I take care of my finances.
How I take care of my car.

I hope I am not the only young(ish) adult who has selectively grown up. I have adapted to some aspects of being an adulthood but have literally repelled others. The four things I have listed above are what I will be working on this year as a part of my initiative to Grow Up. No, you can not be healthy on a Burrito-based diet. No, you should not buy more clothes that are just going to wind up in The Pile. No, your bank balance is NOT your available spending cash. And, NO, don't just add some more oil instead of getting an oil change.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What's Different This Time

I have half-heartedly tried to lose weight before.  I have lost some weight, but never really kept going.  I have, at times, put more effort into exercise, and at others, put more effort into diet.  I am not really one of those people that tried a ton of whack diets, although I did consider briefly the “GM Diet” because it seemed extreme but promised radical results within one week.  You eat only fruits the first day, then vegetables the second, and then each day following has some absurd new regime (including a day of only milk, bananas, and cabbage soup).  I only considered it in the first place because of how I learned about it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Buffering? Do things still buffer?

I have to be honest: I am impatient. This is why I cook, and not bake. Craft, and not knit. I am impatient. And you know what burns me the most? My impatience with technology and internets. I feel that you should not have to wait for anything regarding the Internet.

Saturday, January 14, 2012